Pork hearts can be transplanted to humans in 3 years | Chronic


The prestigious cardiac surgeon Terence English argued that, thanks to advances in medicine, only "in three years"Pork hearts can be used for transplant in humans because, because of their size, they are considered a possible variant because they are similar to those of men.

The specialist was the one who performed the first successful heart transplant in the UK. In an interview with the Sunday Telegraph, he also pointed out that one of his students would perform before the end of the year the first transplant operation of a pig kidney in a person.

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The result of this intervention can confirm the potential of xenoid grafts, a surgical procedure in which cells, tissues or organs are transplanted between representatives of different species, and could constitute an excellent background for short-term similar operations with more complex bodies. Like the heart

"If the result of the Xeno graft is satisfactory with the pork kidneys [trasplantados] in humans, hearts are likely to be used in humans with favorable effects within a few years ", explained the surgeon and added: "If it works with a kidney, it will work with a heart. This will transform the problem. "

Terence English believes that the use of this type of body will likely result in the repudiation of animal rights advocates, but he believes that the possibility of saving a human life should be more important to solve the problem of lack of donors.


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