porn actress stabbed her 2 year old son and took the corpse in a box to a supermarket | the Chronicle


Katalin Erzsebet Bradacs, starred in a dramatic scene that still shocks Italy. The former porn actress shouted in a supermarket from the Lidl chain, located in the small Italian town of Città della Pieve, by placing a bloody box on the counter.

Inside, there was the body of a child under 2 years old, the son of the woman born in Hungary but residing in Italy.

When the police arrived at the scene, they identified the lifeless body: it was a Alex juhasz, who had received the minus nine stab wounds to the chest and the neck, which caused his death, according to the first skills.

Authorities reported that the woman said contradictory and confused versions: she initially claimed that her son had fallen, but later claimed that she was the perpetrator of his death. Therefore, ordered the arrest of the woman, who pleaded not guilty. On the recommendation of your lawyer Enrico Renzoni, Bradacs decided to shut up.

As revealed ‘The nation‘, Italian regional daily, police raided a dilapidated building near the supermarket during the investigation to clarify what happened. It is assumed that at this location the murder of the minor would have taken place, since the they found a knife. It was also found a car with traces of blood.

The main hypothesis that investigators manipulate is that the actress allegedly committed the murder for “Get revenge” from Alex’s father after justice would have entrusted the custody of the minor to the man.


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