Positive, greater independence and a budget for the judiciary


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The promise of providing the state and federal judiciary with greater administrative and budgetary independence, which is necessary and well structured, could bring great benefits, experts agree.

On July 6, the retired Supreme Court Minister, Olga Sánchez Cordero, had a private meeting with the judges and magistrates of Mexico City in which the Virtual Secretary of the Interior, proposed by Andrés Manuel López Obrador, offered a safe budget and the immobility of local judges and magistrates.

Javier Martín Reyes, of the Center for Economic Research and Education (CIDE), said that independence in the state courts, through a reform of local judicial powers, was an outstanding issue in the structural reforms required by the country in the context of the transition. Democratic "

" At the local level, presidents of the superior courts of justice They are constantly under the threat that the budget can be reduced, "he said in an interview with EL UNIVERSAL

" L & # 39; One of the main guarantees of judicial independence is related to budgetary resources and the truth is that the judiciary has progressed in a significant number of things, although there are many outstanding ones; In the local judiciary, what the studies reveal is that the progress has been extremely disparate, "he explained.

The proposal of the retired minister is to allocate to the local judicial powers a fixed percentage of each party's budget of the entities to prevent their presidents from lobbying or "pleading" resources each year with governors or state conventions.

Martín Reyes said that the power Judiciary, including the Electoral Court of the Federal Judicial Branch (TEPJF) Thus, he explained that a reform such as that proposed by Sánchez Cordero should accompany the establishment of better mechanisms of surrender of accounts, as provided for by law, transparency and optimization of the use of designated resources

"We will have to wait until the proposal is formalized by the Minister at this time In retirement, in general, it is an extraordinary idea to start the discussion on this topic because the strengthening of local judicial powers is one of the big outstanding ones. "

Another part of Sánchez Cordero's proposal refers to the irremovability of judges and magistrates in order to avoid dismissal so as not to favor the interests of the government or Congress in turn.

Regard, Carlos Daza, academic of the Faculty of Law of UNAM, said that the proposal of irremovability for judges and magistrates "We have seen that many have prosecutors, judges and magistrates of 39 in a way, which creates a problem of unfairness. all abuses for many people and this justifies the need for full autonomy in the judiciary, "he said.

Therefore, he applauded the proposal and agreed on the need for establish clear accountability for the management of resources allocated to the judiciary.

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