Posts to Lagomarsino | The strange silence ju …


One of the important exchanges of Saturday, January 17 was completed by Nisman with Diego Lagomarsino. There are three types of messages: morning, afternoon and night. For now, it is confirmed again that Nisman himself has systematically deleted: there was 24 WhatsApp and the prosecutor was always clearing them at the end of each session. In total, he has erased four times. Lagomarsino does not remember the contents of the WhatsApp and does not even remember that they exchanged them. He remembered that they had several times on the phone talked about the loan of the weapon.

Those who support the badumption that Lagomarsino was part of the homicide plan – the prosecutor Eduardo Taiano, Judge Julian Ercolini and the Federal Chamber, among others – have baderted immediately that the informant was at the scene of the crime alleged at the material time. The exchange of five whatsapp between 9:15 pm on Saturday and 9:17 pm already clearly shows that they were not together, which is also proven by the security cameras that locate Nisman in his apartment and Lagomarsino at home . In other words, Nisman was alive when the informant left his home at 8:30 pm.

Lagomarsino handed over his mobile phone, without being asked, on Monday 19 January 2015, the day after the appearance of the body. For a year and a half, Arroyo Salgado's complaint insisted that the computer technician could be in the apartment at the time of the shooting. These proved categorically that he was at home, so it was not used to hide these messages, but quite the opposite.

The second angle of those who argue that there was a criminal plan that was part of Lagomarsino is that the computer did not give Nisman the weapon but gave it to him. to a so-called Iranian-Venezuelan-Kirchner command. The Lagomarsino version is that Nisman called him in the afternoon, urged him to go to The Park, asked the borrowed weapon, saying that he wanted to scare all the men off the road who were in his way while he was with his daughters. Then Lagomarsino went home, searched for the rifle, returned to The Park, handed it to Nisman, explained him the operation and ended the day back home at Martinez, where he entered at 9:02 pm The sequence of round trips is verified by the security cameras.

The exchange of fourteen whatsapp between 19:21 and 19:25 this Saturday also consolidates the computer version. Lagomarsino was at home looking for the rifle and Nisman was worried. These messages correspond to what Lagomarsino said from the first day: Nisman is waiting for the weapon, the technician looking for him. On the other hand, the computer has not been found during the last four years nor calls with strange characters nor meetings with people suspected of belonging or related to the alleged order .

The big problem is that the texts of these messages do not appear. Nisman's cell phone could not be removed because the prosecutor cleared them and there was no way to recover them. It happens that sometimes, when a message is deleted, it can be recovered, but if the operating system overwrites this message with a new message cleared, the original text can not be retrieved. This happens randomly, which is why there are recoverable messages and messages that can not be retrieved. It remains the hope to recover what was written on the cell phone that Lagomarsino delivered the day after Nisman's death on January 19, 2015. Lagomarsino, like Nisman, has methodically erased the messages. The work, with the new technologies, was done recently, but the prosecutor Taiano keeps it under seven keys. For the defense of Lagomarsino, led by Maximiliano Rusconi, the prosecution told him that the copy could not be postponed, because you have to put a watermark to avoid leaks in journalism. It is supposed to be delivered now in February. If from these texts arise the messages of Nisman asking "did you find?" Or "bring it to me?" The record would be virtually demolished, as this would prove that it is the prosecutor who requested the weapon. In recent days, the version created by Taiano transcended the fact that the texts could not be retrieved on Lagomarsino's mobile phone, which is strange considering the cover-up.

Morning messages do not refute the computer version either. They do not relate to the idea that Lagomarsino handed over the weapon to the Irano-Venezuelan-Kirchnerist commando. It does not make any sense either that he offered Nisman the rifle for the purported command to use afterwards. Everything is crazy, contradicts the logic and the evidence.

The big problem is the use of the cause of Nisman's death in the geopolitical battle. It interests him that it is like a homicide of the rights of the United States, Israel and Argentina to continue to target Iran and what they call populist governments. Macrism is particularly important for using it as an argument against kirnerism.


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