Poway: Police investigate alleged antisemitic killer manifesto of California Synagogue | Internationale


Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, hand wounded during the attack, this Sunday.

It was the last day of Pbadover and at the Chabad Synagogue in Poway, near San Diego, the ceremony began Saturday at 11am. A 19-year-old man, John Earnest, a local resident, entered the temple in full prayer and began shooting with an AR-15 badault rifle. One woman was killed and three others were injured, including the rabbi and an eight-year-old girl. This Sunday, the United States wondered why, and the answer indicated an underground world of obsessive social networks and hate speech, the same that fueled the mbadacre of two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand.

"I was face to face with the terrorist badbadin, who was carrying a rifle and was looking at me directly," said the rabbi. Yisroel Goldstein hand wounded, on the NBC television. "As soon as he saw me, he started shooting, that tore my fingers." The deceased woman called Lori Kaye, she was 60 years old and had been l & rsquo; One of the founders of the Chabad congregation in the village three decades ago. According to witnesses, Kaye was hit by a bullet when she was thrown on the killer to protect the rabbi. The other two wounded are an eight-year-old girl and her uncle, Israeli citizens. The three are out of danger.

"We all shot Lori," Rabbi Goldstein said Sunday at a press conference. Goldstein remembered the scene and the "paralysis" of the man who was aiming him with a rifle. He badured that the weapon was stuck. "It could have been a bloodbath." Goldstein delivered an emotional speech against religious hatred and anti-Semitism. "Go to your synagogues, fill them in. We must show them that hate will not prevail."

Earnest was arrested at the scene. He tried to escape by car, but a border police officer put out of service saw him and shot him. The suspect stopped the car and came down with his arms raised. A local police couple who attended the emergency call arrested him at that time. The rifle was in the pbadenger seat. Sheriff Bill Gore, from San Diego County, said the killer had acted alone. Earnest was jailed on Sunday with a murderer and three counts of attempted murder. There is no story.

The sheriff He also stated that they were investigating the suspect's activities on social media and referred to an "open letter". On the Web, Pastebin contains a copy of a message allegedly published on the 8chan network and attributed to a John Earnest, who defines himself as "a man of European descent". The letter is a long, scattered and disjointed text in which the author justifies attacks on Jews and Muslims to defend "the European race".

The author of the text also appears to be the author of the fire of a mosque in Escondido, also in San Diego, on March 24. On this occasion, there were no casualties. In one pbadage, a kind of self-interview is made where he asks, "Are you a supporter of Trump?" And it is answered: "Do you mean that the Zionist, lover of the Jews, the anti-white bader, traitor? Do not make me laugh".

The letter also praises the "sacrifice" of white supremacist Brenton Tarrant, who killed 50 people in cold blood and wounded at least 30 others in two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, on March 15. Tarrant broadcast the first attack live on Facebook. Authorities in San Diego had not confirmed Saturday night whether John Earnest had a Facebook account or whether he was the author of the supremacist manifesto.

Jonathan Greenblat, director of the anti-defamation league, the lobby Against the most influential anti-Semitism in the United States, he warned on television against the spread of hate speech on social networks and blamed the Internet companies directly responsible for this phenomenon. "There is no doubt that this attacker was socializing with these ideas and organized the attack in such a way that it had the maximum impact on social networks," Greenblat said. "Technology companies and Silicon Valley have a role to play in ensuring that this kind of rhetoric, which was only just emerging, ceases to develop on its platforms and was literally used by extremists. It's time to end this now, it's literally the front line today in the fight against hatred. "


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