Power failure in Argentina: standardized electricity supply throughout the country


The government explained that this was due to a failure of the Yacyretá transport system, automatically and without human intervention. Towards the age of 22, the Energy Secretariat indicated that it had restored 100% of the service throughout the country.

To integrate

We standardize the supply to over 95% of our customers. We are continuing our efforts to gradually restore the service in the coming hours for the rest of the people concerned. #Edenor

– Edenor customers (@EdenorClientes) June 16, 2019

"The remaining reductions are mainly due to local problems in processing stations involving technicians from different companies, mainly in the Comahue region," said the 20 after Energy, which confirmed two hours later the normality of service the national territory.

To integrate

The electrical service was reactivated to reach 2.2 million customers, 90% of the total. We are continuing standardization work throughout the day to reach all users.

– Edesur Argentina (@OficialEdesur) June 16, 2019

The interruption occurred after 7:07 and, according to the Energy Secretariat, they indicated that the recovery of the Argentine interconnection system (SADI) had been activated after the collapse of the system. The Energy Secretariat said that "at 10:45, a demand of about 2,000 MW normalized, out of a projected total demand of 15,000 MW"

Six hours after the start of the cutEdenor stressed that "the power-up process has already started from the strengths of the system, namely the hydropower plants of Yacyretá, Chocón and Salto Grande. Transener has opened the system and is powered up again to be able to regulate the service. "

In the Edenor region, supply began to gradually normalize in the cities of San Isidro, Boulogne, Martinez, Loma Hermosa, San Martin, Tigre, Pilar, Las Heras, Hurlingham, February 3, Vicente Lopez and La Matanza.

Edesur, meanwhile, said at 1:20 pm that 700,000 people were receiving standardized service at that time.

From the company, they explained to Telam agency that "It's the first time in the country" a generalized cut of this magnitude by a "collapse of the interconnected system of national", of which "we do not know what was the origin and also when the service will be completely restored" because "this time the companies are not at the Origin but are part of the consequences ".

To integrate

At 07:06, a malfunction of the Argentine network affected the interconnected network, leaving the entire national territory without service as well as several provinces of the neighboring country.

– UTE (@UTE_ComCorp) June 16, 2019

The mbadive blackout also affected the whole of Uruguay, southern Brazil and part of Chile. TUruguay's National Administration of Power Plants and Transmissions (UTE) confirmed in its Twitter account that "on 7.06, a fault in the Argentine network affected the interconnected network, leaving the entire national territory without service, like several provinces of the neighboring Country.


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