Power failure in Argentina: the Energy Secretariat anticipates that the system will recover within a few hours


"A collapse of the Argentine interconnection system (SADI) has resulted in a mbadive power outage throughout the country, which has also affected Uruguay", informed the entity in charge of Gustavo Lopetegui.

Although the causes are not yet determined, "the recovery has already begun in the regions of Cuyo, NOA and Comahue and the rest of the system is opening up to continue its full recovery, which is estimated can take a few hours ", says the official body.

For its part, Edesur He pointed out that electricity production had started towards the interconnected system of the metropolitan area, although he said that the standardization process "would take several hours".

To integrate

The entry of electricity generation into the interconnected system of the federal capital and Greater Buenos Aires has begun. The standardization process begins, which will take several hours.

– Edesur Argentina (@OficialEdesur) June 16, 2019

Santa Fe, San Luis, Formosa, La Rioja, Chubut, Córdoba and Mendoza they are part of the affected provinces. For the time being, Tierra del Fuego was the only one where the usual electrical service was maintained.


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