PP continues to bet on Macri | Aznar, the friend …


From Madrid

In 2008, Mauricio Macri received the former Spanish Prime Minister to declare him a citizen of the city of Buenos Aires. It was a symbolic way to ratify the admiration of the current Argentine president by the former leader of the Spanish People's Party (PP), whose political power dreamed of imitating a version Creole. Since then, the relationship between the Pro and the main right-wing force of the Iberian nation has continued to grow and this approach has resulted in a collaboration that has transcended ideological affinity. In 2018, the former Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, officially went to Argentina to fill a gap of ten years between La Moncloa and La Casa Rosada, a result of the nationalization of YPF and the lack of 39, political empathy between the PP and the former president. Cristina Kirchner.

More than ten years after this illustrious rendezvous in Buenos Aires, the PP continues to bet on Mauricio Macri to govern Argentina, even before the black panorama that reflects the Spanish press on our country. "Macri has made great efforts to modernize and introduce truthfulness, and we believe that his policy is the right one," said José Ramón García Hernández, MP for the Spanish Congress, and a reference in the international policies of the PP.

The statement of García Hernández is not personal. The leader accompanied Pablo Casado during a meeting with Mauricio Macri during the inauguration of Colombian President Iván Duque in August of last year. "Married and Macri have agreed on the need to implement measures to generate social welfare for the people of their country," said the popular MP who says that if the head of Cambiemos is imposed in October, Casado will do it Sunday in Spain. a deepening of the link between the two countries.

Properly speaking, Casado could bring Macri's relationship to the same level as the Argentine president with Aznar when he was at the head of the Buenos Aires city government. Casado is the best disciple of the former Spanish Prime Minister and his favorite. At the national convention organized by the PP in January to dismiss Rajoy, stopped by a motion of censure and defend the new leader, Aznar was the strong point of the popular leaders.

"Nearly 30 years ago, a 37-year-old young man came to the presidency of the People's Party, a young man from Avila, but unlike the young man of 30 years ago, the young man 'Today, Pablo Casado, is much smarter and knows much more about politics,' Aznar said, stressing the parallelism between the youth of the two leaders and the shared geographical origin.

Aznar's support was not left alone in the words. Since the announcement of the general election, the former president has been one of Casado's bishops in his complex election campaign. Besieged by the liberal right of citizens and the far right of Vox, Aznar was responsible for traveling deep Spain to reorient unruly voters who had adopted the radical nationalism of Santiago Abascal, leader of Vox.

Polls of different colors predict that the PP could face a historic defeat, with a loss of more than 50 seats compared to the elections of June 2016. Whatever the case, the veteran leader of the Spanish right knew very well that the scenario in which Casado arrived at the presidency of his party was not the best. "None of your predecessors had so much difficulty, which is why I want you to know, and everyone knows, that you have my trust," the exmandatario told him. This Sunday, you will know if your confidence is sufficient.


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