Prat-Gay compared Cristina Kirchner to Pinochet and Manguel's stuck


The former Minister of the Economy, Alfonso Prat Gay, compared the former president Cristina Kirchner with the genocide of Chile Augusto Pinochet Asserting that all politicians in Argentina can not be part of a political union to maintain an economic leadership despite the change of government.


Manguel covered his mouth with Fantino: "Today, I ask Kirchner to defend the constitutional guarantees"

It all began when Prat Gay argued that it was necessary to maintain an economic trajectory, despite the changes of government, but denied that the senator from Citizen Unit could join, as lawsuits were filed against him. At the crossroads, the Animal Loose driver Alejandro Fantino and Romina Manguel who accused him of being contradictory.

"How do you make a good deal if you leave the opposition that has more votes," said Manguel. For his part, Fantino told him that it was unclear and contradictory.

In response, Prat Gay said: "The agreement reached in Chile narrowly won Pinochet and no one in the Concertación thought to bring Pinochet."

Manguel repudiated the comparison: "one thing is a democratic government and another …". The comment was interrupted by Fantino, who asked him not to "be bad".


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