Preoccupation of Comodoro Py concerning the delay in the beginning of the lawsuits for corruption


There is a concern in one area of ​​the courts of Commodore Py, where the causes of bribery of public officials are investigated by the to delay at the beginning of these tests. Resonant records such as the cause of notebooks, the future dollar or the denunciation of Alberto Nisman at Cristina Kirchner due to the concealment of the AMIA attack, they still have no start date. Although some of these causes have increased more than two years ago.

In the case of the alleged concealment of the Cristina government against the Iranians accused of attacking the Jewish mutual for more than a year than the federal judge Claudio Bonadio elevated the investigation to a higher instance. In early 2018, the Federal Oral Court 8 (TOF 8), which will be in charge of the asked for human and technical resources to the Supreme Court to start the hearings, but until now, he had no answer.

The former leader of the Quebracho group Fernando Esteche, who was arrested for this case and was released last week, considered in an interview with Radio Futurorock that the trial for this investigation it will not happen "never" for "inconsistency of proof." In this line, the owner of electrical engineering Gerardo Ferreyra, that he had been imprisoned for the cause of the notebooks and that he had also been released last week, he predicted that "the trial of the cahiers de la coimas It will never begin like that of AMIA. "

After the PAS, they released seven prisoners linked to Kirchnerism (Infographic
After the PAS, they released seven prisoners linked to Kirchnerism (Infographic

After the results of the primary elections, in which Alberto Fernandez imposed comfortably in front of the ruling party, released seven prisoners linked to Kirchnerism: Esteche, Ferreyra, businessmen Christopher Lopez and Fabian De Sousa (Indalo Group), the former army chief César Milani, the former public servant Oscar Thomas and Carlos Cortez, Presumed figurehead of Daniel Muñoz, former secretary of Nestor Kirchner. In the judicial rooms the clear victory of the Front of all in the primary as the main reason for the change of air.

In the case of the trial for the cause of the future dollar, in which Cristina and his former Minister of Economy are prosecuted Axel Kicillof, It has been more than two years since Judge Bonadio pleaded the case in court. The Federal Oral Court 1, which will be in charge of the process, was created in July 2018 and no date is planned for the process, which should start in 2020, according to Clarin. On that date, if the Kirchner wins the elections in the country and in the province, Cristina will be vice-president and Kicillof, governor of Buenos Aires.


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