President Bolsonaro entered the hospital for a new surgery – Telam


The President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, remains in a hospital in Sao Paulo to undergo all the examinations prior to an operation that will take place tomorrow, Monday, in order to remove the bag of colostomy that he has since received. The attack he suffered last September. election campaign.

After visiting the mining region of Minas Gerais, where a dam collapsed on Friday and killed at least 37 people, Bolsonaro entered today at the Albert Einstein Jewish Hospital in Sao Paulo with his son. wife Michelle and a delegation formed by the Chief Minister. Augusto Heleno Ribeiro of the Institutional Security Cabinet and some advisers.

The 63 – year – old Brazilian president will undergo his third surgery since a man stabbed him in the stomach when his supporters took him into a crowd at the time of his death. an electoral rally of the election campaign. in the second round the socialist Eduardo Haddad.

Just weeks after the elections, the attack forced Bolsonaro to be interned and to cancel many of his campaign actions.


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