President Bolsonaro questions official truth about Brazil's dictatorship | Internationale


Nostalgia for the dictatorship has been constant in the long political career of the far right Jair Bolsonaro, but he is now president of Brazil. The President openly questioned Tuesday the Truth Commission on human rights violations between 1964 and 1985. The press had questioned him about hurtful remarks he'd been holding the day before about A missing person in the seventies at the hands of the army when he attacked a journalist: "Do you believe in the truth commission? Dilma named seven people. President Rousseff – under pressure and tortured for his membership in a guerrilla – created the body that established the official truth of that period.

The old army is the most powerful representative of a revisionist historical movement increasingly visible. A few months ago, he encouraged active military to commemorate the coup d'etat. The latest statements come from a few words on Monday. Bolsonaro then stated that he "could tell the truth" about the fate of the father of the Brazilian Bar's president, who disappeared after being arrested by police during the military period. Among the people who questioned his attitude, the office of the prosecutor for the rights of citizens is distinguished, recalling that "the head of state can not keep secret information about the location of a politician missing .

On Tuesday, the president ended by saying that the official documents of those years are "blah, blah, blah," adding that "abides by the 1979 amnesty law," a rule that exempted repressors from being banned. sit on the bench with thousands of political prisoners. One of the most despicable gestures in his political career was probably to devote his vote to the impeachment to Colonel Brilhante Ustra, the executioner of his predecessor. The visceral hatred of the Workers' Party has been a vital fuel of the campaign that led to winning the elections

The Brazilian Truth Commission closed its doors five years ago with a 1,300-page story documenting 443 dead or missing, including 377 officials with names and surnames in addition to the testimony of the victims. One of the most infamous places of repression in São Paulo has been transformed into a museum called Memorial of the Resistance.

The issue of the Truth Commission is that the last of the offensive, threatening, misleading or directly false comments made in recent days by the retired captain on various issues, including the period during which the army took the power to prevent communist dictatorship, according to the usual Bolsonaro account. He lied by accusing Globo journalist Miriam Leitão of having invented the fact that she had been tortured while she was pregnant. threatened journalist Glenn Greenwald, co-founder of The interception brazil, the support by which the messages of the former judge Sérgio Moro were conveyed, with which he "was going to spend some time in prison" and insulted the governors of the north-east, the poorest region and related to PT from all over the country, calling palettes. He also recently questioned official data on deforestation.

Bolsonaro found the tone that made it known among Brazilians. A tone that has softened a bit since coming to power. He now seems to be in a race to emulate his American counterpart, Donald Trump, who turned his racist insult into a strategy of his campaign for reelection. The Republican congratulated Tuesday Bolsonaro as "great gentleman" with whom he intends to "work on a free trade agreement".


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