President Macri and the first lady receive the kings of Spain – Telam


The kings of Spain, Felipe VI and Letizia Ortiz, will begin today their program of official activities in Argentina when, at 10:30 am, they will lay their wreath on the monument dedicated to General San Martín, on the square located near the Retiro. his name, a few meters from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, from where they will go to Government House to share a series of activities with President Mauricio Macri and First Lady Juliana Awada.

Felipe VI and Letizia Ortiz will hold meetings at Casa Rosada, which will also include representatives of government and diplomatic authorities. They will then go to Olivos Residence where they will share a lunch with President Macri and First Lady Juliana Awada.

Escorted by a regiment of mounted grenadier regiments, the kings will arrive at the seat of government at 11 am, on the esplanade of Rivadavia Avenue, where they will receive the honors of a military guard and of Fanfarria Alto Peru. President Macri and First Lady Juliana Awada will greet them on the front porch of Bustos Hall, and from there they will go to the White Room, where they will take the official photo.

After this ceremony, Macri and King Felipe VI will deliver courtesy messages and later they will meet at the President's office with the Queen and the First Lady.

The agenda will then continue with an exchange of greetings between the delegations and an extended meeting in the scientists' room with the participation of ministers and diplomatic authorities from both countries.

King Felipe VI, 51, and his wife, Letizia Ortiz, will be accompanied by Foreign Minister, European Union and Cooperation Minister, Josep Borrell, and the Ambbadador of Spain in Buenos Aires, Javier Sandomingo Nuñez, among other authorities.

Subsequently, the royal couple will settle in the Olivos residence in order to share from 1 pm a private lunch with President Macri and the first lady.

In the afternoon, at 4 pm, kings will visit the Congress of the nation and at 17, they will do the same before the Supreme Court of Justice.
At age 20, they will receive a dinner hosted by the Head of State and his wife in the gallery of the CCK's Hall of Shields.


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