President of Chile declares that his country was "at war with a powerful enemy" | Chronic


The President of Chile, Sebastian PiñeraHe said that the country is "at war against a powerful and implacable enemy", who was responsible for the disturbances causing at least eight deaths, more than 200 wounded and significant material damage.

"We are at war with a powerful and implacable enemy who respects nothing and who is ready to use violence without any limit, even when it means the loss of human lives"said the president last night.

Piñera argued that "the only goal" of this enemy is that of "Produce as much damage as possible?", He added, "They are at war with all Chileans who want to live in democracy."

When appearing in front of reporters, the head of state called his compatriots to "act unambiguously against this violence", reported the EFE news agency.

"We must take sides and call on all political forces to condemn this crime with total force, some people have made it in an ambiguous space, they do not contribute to the peace of our compatriots"he said.

The President stated that the authorities had "a gigantic effort" to do today "be as normal as possible a day", with the permission of one of the metro lines despite the damage to the infrastructure of this support.

"I ask all my compatriots to join this battle that we can not lose, to help each other to spend a normal day tomorrow (for today) and finally to start winning this battle"he urged.

"We will not allow criminals to feel the ownership of this country", Warned Piñera.


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