President of the United States celebrates progress with North Korea


Washington.- The President of the United States, Donald Trump, showed himself optimistic yesterday on the rapprochement with North Korea, after revealing the contents of a letter addressed to him by his counterpart North Korean Kim Jong-un, a gesture Diplomat unpublished

In the letter that Trump describes as "very beautiful" and which, he added, shows that a "breakthrough" has been accomplished, the northern leader -Korean expresses optimism about a "new future" between the two countries. urges the US president to take "concrete actions" to build confidence.

Trump accompanied the tweet with a copy of the letter, dated July 6, the day the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, arrived in Pyongyang for discussions that ended up being difficult with the Kim's government. An English translation has also been uploaded

"I am deeply grateful for the tremendous and extraordinary efforts made by His Excellency the President for the improvement of relations between the two countries and the faithful implementation of the joint declaration" , wrote Kim. The North Korean said he was convinced that mutual efforts for a "new future" between North Korea and the United States would materialize, and he was confident that the Singapore summit , which took place on June 12,

Pompeo went to Pyongyang last week, with the aim of advancing the denuclearization commitments made at the Singapore summit. After the visit, Pompeo said the talks were being held "in good faith", but North Korea warned that the future of the process was threatened because of the US's excessive demands for denuclearization.

Yesterday, the United States asked United Nations United in 2018 to stop any further oil exports to North Korea, accusing Pyongyang of violating the restrictions on these products.

A meeting between the North Korean and US delegations on the issue of the return of the country's soldiers killed the Korean War was postponed from yesterday to Sunday.

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