President sends calm to his ministers in Olivos – Telam


President Mauricio Macri led a national cabinet meeting at Olivos Residence, where he asked his ministers to be "calm" in the face of last week's market volatility and urge them to continue working, said sources who participated in the conversations.

During his meeting with the ministers, Mr. Macri reiterated the concepts he had mentioned in the radio interviews given this week and in which he had estimated that the volatility of the dollar was a consequence of the progression of the time. elections and the fear of markets on the return of kirnerism.

The president urged his team to maintain "calm", before the possibility of swings continuing, and asked them to redouble their efforts in the months to come, according to sources present at the meeting.

The entire Cabinet attended the meeting, with the exception of Ministers Nicolás Dujovne (Treasury), Rogelio Frigerio (Interior, Public Works and Housing) and Foreign Minister Jorge Faurie, who were traveling official to different destinations.

In addition, the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Emilio Monzó, and the provisional Speaker of the Senate, Federico Pinedo, have joined the meeting today, as usually happens at cabinet meetings. held every Friday in Olivos.

When he was able to rebuild this agency, after spending a few minutes badyzing this politico-economic situation, the meeting continued in the usual way, in accordance with a pre-established agenda in which some officials explain their situation. ongoing initiatives.

Later, the President received, also in Olivos, US Senator and former Florida Governor Rick Scott, at a hearing attended by Secretary of Strategic Affairs Fulvio Pompeo.

According to official sources, Scott supported President Macri's policy and let him know that he was considered in his country as a "regional leader".

For his part, the president reiterated the request made to the US government to reverse the anti-dumping measures on imports of Argentine biodiesel.


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