Pretend smile at work causes greater consumption of alcohol


This was demonstrated by a study from Pennsylvania State University and the University of Buffalo in which 1592 attention to the public in gastronomy, nursing and teaching.

Exaggerate good vibrations or smile has the same stressful effect as suppressing the bad mood, annoyance or exasperation caused by treatment with clients, students and patients, informed the site of the Penn State.

The result is a professional ready to have a drink at the end of his shift to reconnect with friends or colleagues on a more human level, or to soothe the nerves after a demanding day.

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"How many the more they had to control the negative emotions employees in their jobs the less they could control their consumption of alcohol after the day, "said Alicia Grandey, professor of psychology at Penn State.

Grandey said that smile all the time at work "it can be exhausting"for the employee, especially if his income depends on the good predisposition (as in the case of servers).

Among the variables considered for the study, it took into account the freedom of action of the employees interviewed, the number of people seeing each day and their level of impulsivity.

"If you are an impulsive person or are constantly told what to do in your job, it may be more difficult for you to manage your emotions during the day and when you go home, you do not have the control of yourself to stop after a single drink, "explained Grandey.

The corollary of the study is therefore a hint from the bosses: giving more freedom and confidence to employees away from the bar.


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