Preventive prison for the man imputed by an epic of sexual abuse


Justice has imposed an effective preventive prison on Pablo Nicolás B., a 24-year-old man designated by a group of women for being the author of a badual abuse saga. He was charged by prosecutor Alejandra Raigal of the Sexual Offenses Unit for three aggravated badual abuse with carnal access, five cases of simple beatings and nine cases of robbery. Some of the victims of the attacks were present at the hearing.

This is the subject that was arrested Thursday night and Friday afternoon was recognized in a wheel of people by seven of its nine victims attacked in a saga that took place from January 9 to July 10.

"It was a little what we expected because of the large amount of evidence that the Prosecutor had brought about the same behavior of this person, in relation to what we found in the recordings of the film and the possibility of determining the data of the patent, "said prosecutor Raigal after the hearing. He added that another piece of evidence that weighed on the defendant was "the large number of elements sequestered at his home, which coincide with those described by each of the victims".

"In turn," he continued, "the transcendental is the test performed on Friday, at a recognition where most women have recognized this person as the author of the facts."

To integrate

Modus operandi. The detainee worked as a delivery man in a pizzeria in the macrocentre. There he was arrested and removed a motorcycle whose patent was provided by the mother of a victim. Other evidence linking it to attacks have also been seized. In addition, his house located in the south of the country had been the subject of a search and other objects could complicate the procedure.

The suspect's face is similar to viral fotofit in social networks and the media. This portrait was made by a young woman attacked on May 20 in a bookstore in Sarmiento at 43:00. A scar "very wide from the mouth to the eyebrow" on the left cheekbone was essential to find it.

The prosecutor explained that, in most cases, the accused entered commercial premises on the pretext that he had consulted objects or goods, then intimidated the victims, threatened them, transferred them to another environment in the premises, manipulating, exploiting the situation to badually abuse them, also withdrawing money in cash, taking off on his motorcycle.


Photo: Virginia Benedetto / The capital


>> On January 9 at 11 am, the subject entered a Buenos Aires store at 3 am After threatening the victim, he transferred her to another room, manipulating her, attempting to badually abuse her. He did not reach his goal since the woman resisted. The young man escaped with the money he had stolen. For this fact, he was charged with simple theft and illegitimate deprivation of liberty aggravated by threats of genuine competition, as both the author and the consumer.

>> On April 15 at 1 pm, he entered Rodriguez's home at 12 o'clock and, after threatening the victim, moved to another neighborhood, tied him up and attempted to badually badault him. . He did not accomplish his mission either, so he took money and went to the race. He was charged with badual abuse during the attempted robbery and unlawful deprivation of liberty.

>> On May 14 at 1:15 pm, at Pasaje Blanque and Miter, a woman was intercepted while she was getting out of her vehicle. After uttering threats and exposing a firearm, he abused his car and stole his wallet. He has been charged with badual abuse during badual intercourse and robbery, both of which are in genuine conflict of character and consummation.

>> In a Sarmiento bookstore at 43:00, on May 20, he entered 19 years posing as a customer. Under the pretext of consulting objects or goods, he transferred the victim to another environment, tied her up and badually badaulted her. He took money from him and escaped. He was charged with badual abuse with carnal access, simple theft and illegitimate deprivation of liberty aggravated by threats, all in a real struggle.

>> On June 24 at 7:30 pm, he entered a local section of Uruguay at 11 am. He threatened anyone behind the counter, stole money and fled. He was imputed for this robbery and consumed.

>> London at 3 am On June 26, he entered a local business and, after exhibiting a firearm, abused the victim. Instead, he took money. He was charged with robbery by means of a weapon that was not found.

>> On June 27 at noon, the accused entered a veterinarian in San Nicolás at 300 hours. He entered with intent robbery, moved the victim to another environment, handcuffed her and tried to mistreat her, also taking money in cash. Because of the case, he was charged with simple badual badault, obscene acts and robbery.

>> Finally, on July 10th at 9:30 am, in Spain, at 3:00 am, he entered a company and made gestures that he had a firearm. He was charged with robbery qualified by the use of a firearm.


The youth designated by badual badault (with beard), during the imputativa hearing.

The youth designated by badual badault (with beard), during the imputativa hearing.

Photo: Virginia Benedetto / The capital

Preventive prison. At the hearing, the prosecution requested effective and efficient pre-trial detention and blood tests. The Defense, for its part, requested the release of the accused. The accused spoke and accepted the blood extraction for the permanent examinations.

Finally, the trial judge María Chiabrera ordered the effective preventive detention for the duration of the right.


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