PRI, PAN and PRD: what the Va por México coalition says on the day of the popular consultation


The PRI, PAN and PRD have demonstrated against the popular consultation which proposes to persecute former public officials (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
The PRI, PAN and PRD have demonstrated against the popular consultation which proposes to persecute former public officials (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

This Sunday August 1, the referendum in which the Mexican people are asked whether or not they wish the former officials to be investigated and, in the event that they are found to have committed crimes, they are prosecuted in accordance with the law, something that has been severely criticized by the so-called opposition to Q4.

This democratic exercise, also known as the “consultation against former presidents”, was proposed by the president. Andrés Manuel López Obrador and supported by the activism of National Regeneration Movement (Brunette), with the aim of legitimizing, by the vote of the Mexicans, the follow-up given to various cases of corruption and alleged abuse of power by the the former presidents of the so-called “neoliberal” period, for which the related parties condemned the consultation.

Marko Cortes, president of the National Action Party (STOVE), considered this exercise to be an act of propaganda by the 4Ts. On top of that, he criticized the waste of resources invested in the consultation.

Marko Cortés, still ill with COVID-19, criticized the citizen consultation (Photo: Karina Hernández / Infobae México)
Marko Cortés, still ill with COVID-19, criticized the citizen consultation (Photo: Karina Hernández / Infobae México)

“The popular consultation is another act of government propaganda, because the law and justice are not consulted, they are applied. In addition, waste is inhuman when you are in the midst of a health crisis, economic and increased insecurity, ”he wrote on his personal Twitter account.

In this sense, he regretted that this democratic exercise served as a “distractor” in the face of the crises that Mexico is going through: pandemic, unemployment and security.

“It is unfortunate that the government is using the popular consultation as a distraction from the big problems that it cannot solve, such as the health crisis, the enormous unemployment, the lack of drugs and the expansion of organized crime throughout the country. National territory. . The popular consultation must serve to know the opinion of citizens on questions of public interest, not to make crude political propaganda of the federal government ”, he reaffirmed in a official statement of blue and white.

By his account, Jesus Zambrano, coordinator of Democratic Revolution Party (PET), criticized the cost of the consultation and spoke out in favor of citizens so that do not “cheat” on her. Likewise, he published an index for the mandate revocation consultation to be held in 2022.

Jesús Zambrano, national president of the PRD, also attacked the consultation (Photo: Photo: Karina Hernández / Infobae México)
Jesús Zambrano, national president of the PRD, also attacked the consultation (Photo: Photo: Karina Hernández / Infobae México)

“Tomorrow there will be another very expensive whim of the President of the Republic. The so-called People’s Consultation is a farce, another farce that we are already used to suffering. Citizens do not deserve to be deceived; we are living through a catastrophic economic, social and health crisis, and López Obrador insists on his obsessions and quirks. He must test the ground for his next consultation in 2022, to try to extend his term for a new term of six years, “he replied in a statement from the aztec sun.

Finally, the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), pointed out that law enforcement is not being consulted and that in case they find evidence to persecute this be done regardless of exercises such as the one carried out this Sunday.

“At the PRI, we are in favor of citizen participation in decision-making, which is why we express our respect for those who have decided to participate in the consultation, even if we regret that the first exercise of this type did not take place. no real purpose. , because the law is not consulted», Wrote the tricolor on his social networks.

On the other hand, the activism of Brunette went on social networks to promote consultation and encourage citizens to participate. For what the characters of stature love Mario Delgado placeholder image, national president of Morena; Citalli Hernandez, secretary general of the party; Claudia Sheinbaum, head of government of Mexico City; dew, head of the Ministry of Energy (Sener); Clara Luz Flores, former party candidate for governor of Nuevo León; Yes Alphonse durazo, Governor-elect of Sonora, went to their appropriate table to participate and uploaded a photo with their respective ballot.


Morena’s activism has closed ranks and boasted in networks that have already participated in the Popular Consultation
Journalists, moneros, actors and producers: those who have already participated in the popular consultation
Minute-by-minute popular consultation: vote counting has started in some parts of the country, INE reported

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