Price in dollars today: closed at $ 58.41


At the weekly opening of the market after the announcement of the exchange rate, the dollar closed at $ 58.41, according to the average estimated by the Central Bank (BCRA). The entity headed by Guido Sandleris has maintained the record interest rate of the Macri era.

In the beginnings of the restriction on the purchase of foreign currency in the retail sector, the exchange rate was 53.31 USD for the tip of the purchase and 58.41 USD for the seller . Compared to Friday, the US currency lost $ 3.62.

On the parallel market or "blue", the greenback could be obtained at a value close to 70 dollars in the city of Buenos Aires. Finance Minister Hernán Lacunza predicted a different value than the manager.


From money to the dollar: Macri allows escapees to buy dollars

In another aspect, the power plant slightly increased the stopping rate in the second call for tenders. Letters of Liquidity (Leliq). BCRA placed $ 177,863 million at an average rate of 85.70%, compared with a return of 84.16% over the previous auction.

The second investment, within seven days, returned a maximum return of 86.01% and a minimum of 79.9% per annum. Thus, the reference rate, equivalent to the key rate, was 85.27% after the absorption of $ 246 623 million in two calls for tenders.


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