Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has resigned: what happened …


Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has resigned this Tuesday at his expense after the departure of the ruling coalition of the Italia Viva party. The Prime Minister will remain in charge on an interim basis and will seek permission from President Sergio Mattarella to form a new government based on a coalition that integrates the pro-European and center sectors into the center-left alliance it leads.

Conte’s resignation marks the end of his second term – which began on September 5, 2019 – just a week after gaining ratification in parliament to continue his administration.

The departure of the Prime Minister is a new chapter in the political crisis Born in early January with the departure of the executive of Italia Viva, the group of former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, unhappy with the management of the pandemic, among others, withdrew its two ministers, 30 deputies and 18 senators from the ruling party.

Mattarella is expected to open consultations on Wednesday afternoon with the presidents of the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate and parliamentary groups. Then, the head of state can give a mandate to an institutional figure to explore the possible majorities and the figure of a new leader if he sees that Conte has no possibility.

However, the outgoing Prime Minister’s intention is for Mattarella to give him a new term in order to form a new majority. At the last meeting of Conte’s cabinet, the heads of delegation of the three forces that make up the coalition, the Five Star Movement, the Democratic and Free and Equal Party, ratified their support for the Prime Minister and expressed their support for a third executive. in charge. de Conte with the addition of new center allies, RAI channel reported.

In the event that Conte does not obtain the necessary support for a government coalition, the president must open new consultations to consider another name which brings together a majority, or in case of proof of the impossibility of forming a new executive, decide to dissolve the Chambers to go to the elections.

For his part, politician and magnate Silvio Berlusconi, leader of the conservative party Forza Italia, has declared that he will not support the current executive Conte and that the only solution is that of a government “which represents the substantial unity of the country in a time of emergency. ”because“ any other solution means prolonging a paralysis that the country cannot afford ”.

Yet last week, after Conte summoned “pro-European and liberal” forces to join the government, an MP and two senators from Forza Italia backed the Prime Minister’s ratification in parliament.

Conte’s call to form new government alliances aims to open a breach in the center-right coalition of Fuerza Italia by Silvio Berlusconi, the League Matteo Salvini and Hermanos de Italia by Giorgia Meloni, which insists with their demand to form their own executive or new elections.


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