Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines stoned | At an anti-vaccine protest in the Caribbean country


Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Ralph Gonsalves (Photo), was assaulted and injured in the head after receiving a stone while entering Parliament outside of which several people demonstrated against the new anti-covid-19 measures. Other members of the Executive and those accompanying Gonsalves also suffered attacks, including water jets.

Gonsalves has been admitted to the capital Kingston hospital, Memorial Milton Cato, President President Schon Marshall’s secretary has reported to several local media outlets. After receiving urgent medical attention at the local hospital He was flown to Barbados for an MRI or scan of the head.

in addition Police in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines say they have arrested the person allegedly responsible for the attack on the Prime Minister, although he did not give further details, he explained, so as not to hamper the ongoing investigation. The senator Julien Francois He noted that the woman wanted to apologize to the attacked prime minister. “I told her no, that she won’t go in front of my political leader to do what; because they locked you up, you want to apologize?” Said Francis.

At the time of the events, many people were demonstrating against the introduction of changes in public health law local communities that go through the obligation to be vaccinated for certain categories of civil servants who work on the front line of public and health care.

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines currently has 2,298 positive coronavirus cases and 12 deaths. Its population is 110,940 people. The country has a territory that does not reach 400 square kilometers.

Part of the Leeward Islands, the territory of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines consists of 32 islands and islets north of Venezuela in the Lesser Antilles of the Caribbean Sea. A member of Caricom, the island territory is a parliamentary democracy within the British Commonwealth of Nations with Queen Elizabeth II as head of state.

The President of Caricom and the Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston Browne, he rejected the attack on his counterpart. “The introduction of violence into the political life of Caricom is shameful and deplorable, and those responsible must be brought to justice as soon as possible,” he said.


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