Prince Andrew ignores pedophilia lawsuit and goes hunting


Prince Andrew spends his summers at Scottish Balmoral Palace with Queen Elizabeth and his ex-wife Ferguie, the Duchess of York, when they argue in New York his legal luck for a case of pedophilia.

The Duke of York’s lawyers they will not attend at a hearing in the sexual assault lawsuit against him in New York on Monday, amid mounting criticism for his apparent lack of involvement in the case. The preliminary hearing will hear from both sides on whether the prince has received an appropriate summons.

Lawyers for Virginia Giuffre, who alleges Andrew sexually assaulted her when she was 17, a charge he vehemently denies, say the documents were handed over to a Metropolitan Police officer on duty in the front door of your home in Windsor last month.

Virginia Giuffre alleges that Andrew sexually assaulted her when she was 17.  Photo: AP

Virginia Giuffre alleges that Andrew sexually assaulted her when she was 17. Photo: AP

However, Blackfords, a law firm representing Andrew, has attempted to cast doubt on the court documents having been served correctly.

He signaled his intention to challenge the court’s jurisdiction, according to a letter referenced in court documents, filed by Giuffre’s lawyers.

“We reiterate that our client reserves all of his rights, including challenging the jurisdiction of US courts,” Andrew’s lawyers wrote.

Andrew hunting

When the royal family is besieged by the scandals of him and Prince Charles, who accepted questionable donations from a Saudi billionaire and a Russian seeking British citizenship for their charities, Prince Andrew seems unfazed before the panorama that comes.

The Duke organized a hunt from the Queen’s Palace in Balmoral on Saturday with guests including the Crown Prince of Bahrain, according to The Sun newspaper.

Prince Andrew in an image from January 2020. Photo: AFP

Prince Andrew in an image from January 2020. Photo: AFP

On August 26, a “corporate investigator” named César Sepúlveda traveled to Windsor and attempted to deliver the court documents to the Royal Lodge, Andrew’s home. He was unable to deliver them as the police were unable to locate a high-ranking member of the Duke’s staff. The next day, Sepúlveda returned to the property and left the documents with the police.

A copy of the summons and complaint was also emailed to the Prince’s Royal Household office email address and sent to his attorneys by email and FedEx courier. They were also sent home to Windsor by first class mail.

The notification controversy

A US judge will determine whether the documents were served correctly or not. Monday’s hearing, chaired by New York Southern District Court Judge Lewis Kaplan, marks the start of a very public and damaging legal process, in which Andrew’s accuser ultimately testify under oath.

The Duke will not be represented at the hearing. Your British lawyers oppose participating, arguing that this would amount to accepting the jurisdiction of the United States in this case.

Virginia Giuffre, now 38, has long indicted Jeffrey Epstein, who committed suicide in a New York jail cell in 2019, pending trial on sex trafficking charges. She is now seeking damages against Andrew for “sexual assault and emotional distress”. The Duke denies all the charges against him.

Virginie Giuffre.  Photo: Reuters

Virginie Giuffre. Photo: Reuters

If Andrew categorically rejects the lawsuit and refuses to participate, you run the risk that the court found you guilty of child sexual abuse and order you to pay damages.

If you decide to challenge it in court, you will face years of nefarious headlines, as the case progresses through the court system.

The accuser’s father

Virginia Roberts’ father Giuffre has said Prince Andrew should go to jail because “these are not the days of William Wallace, when royals can do whatever they want”.

Giuffre claims the sexual assaults took place in London, at Ghislaine Maxwell’s New York home and on Jeffrey Epstein’s private island.

Ghislaine Maxwell.  Photo: AP

Ghislaine Maxwell. Photo: AP

“I am very proud that my daughter stepped in and filed this civil lawsuit against her. He knows what he did wrong. It was as if he had read for a week, even trying to hand over the papers, he was ordering his guards to tell them not to accept his papers from the court. An innocent man doesn’t do that. Only a guilty man does that“assured the father.

The Duke of York “believes he can do whatever he wants” and should be brought to justice for allegedly assaulting Giuffre, “Sky Roberts, his father, told Good Morning Britain.

Sky Roberts said she had “great regret” for taking her daughter to meet Jeffrey Epstein.

“I read a lot of things like Prince Andrew saying he had never met Virginia. But everyone saw the picture of Prince Andrew with his arm around my daughter and Miss Maxwell right behind him, ”said Roberts.

She added that it was a “great regret” to bring her daughter to meet Jeffrey Epstein. “I met Jeffrey Epstein when she was going to start working for him. But it was supposed to be massage therapy,” she said.

“I thought it might be a good job to learn. When I met him he was only wearing jeans in front of his mansion and he looked like a normal guy. I had no idea what was going on. As a parent, if I had known anything about what was going on, I would have stopped it. It is a great regret for me, “he said.

He added: “I loved my daughter when she was born, I love her now and I loved her in every moment in between.

“I would like to see Andrew go to jail for at least a while. You need to know what it’s like to be responsible for your actions. He must be held accountable, ”he said. He added that Andrew must “stop lying” about his alleged relationship with his daughter.

Paris, correspondent



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