Prince Andrew of England has been involved in the sexual abuse scandal of Jeffrey Epstein


Prince Andrew was in the middle of the Jeffrey Epstein affair, the billionaire accused of having badually exploited dozens of adolescents sentenced to 45 years in prison and who committed suicide in prison over the weekend. The British press does not stop publishing news reporting the relationship of the businessman with the son of Isabel II. That's the situation that Buckingham Palace He had to go out at the junction.

"It is a procedure that is conducted in the United States and that does not concern the Duke of York.Any mention of illegal acts against minors is absolutely false," said the British crown in a statement. The behavior of the Duke of York in recent years he generated a continuous headache for his mother, who, however, has always forgiven him the pages.

The prince was one of Epstein's main friends. Documents were revealed this week with details of their practices in which Andrew from England is involved. The Duke of York was designated as responsible for touching a young woman's chest and to commit other acts against at least two victims – Joanna Sjoberg and Virginia Giuffre – in the manor that the tycoon had in Manhattan, according to information provided by Giuffre's lawyers in 2017.

A protest group called
A protest group called "Hot Mess" shows photos of Jeffrey Epstein in federal court on July 8, 2019 in New York. (Photo: AFP)

The relationship of Isabel II's son with Epstein has always been in the honor. A photo of the Prince crossing New York with the late businessman, published by the press in 2010, led to a decision that the House of Commons had been considering for some time: withdraw the title of special representative the United Kingdom for foreign trade because of its tendency to use official travel to its advantage, whether it is taxpayer-paid holidays or privileged contacts for profit.

The fact that Isabel II reacted by imposing on her favorite son the Great Cross of the Cavalry subtracted the pressures exerted by the palace advisers on Andrew so that he cut with Epstein. Both had met through Ghislane Maxwell, former Epstein's girlfriend, friend other than Sarah Ferguson – the ex-wife of the Duke of York – and a personality very much related to the jet set New York and London. Ghislane is the youngest daughter of former British press mogul Robert Maxwell, who died in unclear circumstances after falling off his yacht near the Canary Islands in 1991. sealed the fall of his media empire.

Andrés de Inglaterra is on holiday in Balmoral with his mother Isabel II and his ex-wife Sarah Ferguson, with whom he would have resumed his relations since April.


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