Prince Charles of England praises Cardinal Newman, "this great saint" and his "example" for today


The prince Charles of England, successor of the British crown for which he would also be supreme governor of the Anglican Church, published an article in The Osservatore Romano in which he paid homage to Cardinal Newman, the new English saint, who is precisely a convert from Anglicanism to Catholicism.

The son of Isabel II represented his country during the canonization and in his article, she praised the new British saint saying that she was a moment of celebration for the Catholics of his country and for all those who "cherish the values ​​for which he was inspired".

Grateful for Newman's "gifts"

So, Prince Charles says that "His faith was truly Catholic and he embraced all aspects of life. In the same spirit, whether we are Catholics or not, we can, through the ages, embrace the unique perspective, wisdom and particular vision brought to universal experience by this individual soul. "

For all this, he added that "We can only be grateful for Newman's gifts, rooted in his Catholic faith, which he shared with a wider society: his intense and moving autobiography and deeply felt poetry. "

"This great saint"

"At the time he was living, Newman defended the life of the spirit against forces that went against the dignity and destiny of man.. At the age when he attains holiness, his example is more necessary than ever: by the way he could defend without accusing, disagreeing without disrespect and; Better still, he could see the differences as a meeting place and not as an exclusion, "says the heir to the British throne.

The prince pointed out to the new saint that "his commitment to Anglican theology and, after his conversion, to Catholic theologyhe impressed his opponents with his courageous honesty, its jealous rigor and originality of thought. "

As a result, he considered that "while highlighting the life of this great Brit, this great man of the Church and, to put it briefly, this great saint Being a bridge between divisions and traditions, it is certainly true that we thank for the friendship that, despite its departure, was not only created but strengthened. "


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