Prince Harry's baby and Meghan Markle is born: they have not decided on the name yet


The Duchess of Susbad, Meghan Markle, woman of Harry, Prince of the United Kingdom, gave birth to a child, reported Buckingham Palace.

The baby was born Monday at dawn at 1:26 am Argentine time and weighed 3.3 kilos. As revealed in the account of Twitter of the royal family, "Mother and son are healthy."

The boy is the seventh in the throne and the eighth great-grandson of Queen Elizabeth II, 93 years old.

The Duke of Susbad, who was present at birth, badured that he was "the most incredible experience I've ever imagined".

"The way a woman does what she does (at the time of delivery) is beyond belief, but we are absolutely delighted." says the new father to the Guardian.

He added: "We are absolutely delighted and very grateful for all the love and support of those who are there."

The baby is also the fourth grandson of Prince Charles of Wales and Lady Di, who died in 1997, and the first of the mother of Meghan, Doria Raglandwho is in the couple's new home, Frogmore Cottage, at the farm Windsor, to accompany his daughter.


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