Prince Jigme of Bhutan, new star of the happiest country in the world


Instagram is a modern kingdom of selfies and cats in which there are nevertheless hollows for many other princes, regardless of their country of origin. This principle, vital for any influencer, is known even in Bhutan, where the past twenty years since the arrival of television do not constitute an obstacle to the clever management of hashtags by local Internet users. For this reason, the month of June of the national calendar, recently shared on the social network, shows the chubby cheeks of his dragon prince.

Jigme Namgyel Wangchuck, that's the boy's name, is three years old and is the heir to the throne of Bhutan. In the photo, the little prince poses alone and smiles in the traditional costume of his country, while the text attached to the image celebrates "the enthusiasm with which our monthly calendars are received". And he continues: "We know that seeing His Royal Highness grow so quickly makes you very happy, so let's hope this calendar illuminates your month."

The dragon prince, protagonist of this image, is the fruit of a famous love story that dates back to the moment when the current monarch, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, saw for the first time his wife, Jetsun Pema Wangchuck . Even though it was only one seven year old girl, the Crown Prince he has promised to marry her. Fourteen years had elapsed before their next meeting: Prince Wangchuck had to wait to finish his studies in politics and international relations before leaving in search of his beloved. Jetsun Pema, daughter of a commercial pilotI was already 21 years old and I was studying at Regents College London. The same year, they were married in their home country.

Accustomed to the Western standard of living, the modernization brought by the couple to the country appeared as of the day of their marriage, whereas they broke the local traditions. kissing in public. Prince Wangchuck also announced that for his wife's sake I would abandon polygamy, a usual custom in the country. In fact, he is the son of the youngest of four sisters, all married to his father, King Jigme Singye Wangchuck, whom he succeeded on the throne in 2006.

C & # 39; was also his father who was responsible for the democratization from the country. Before abdicating, he made sure that Bhutan became a parliamentary monarchy by law, which was carried out in 2018, the year of the first elections and the entry into force of a new constitution. The Bhutanese Magna Carta has become famous for raising the main benchmark against which the country's progress, instead of gross domestic product, Gross internal happiness: an indicator that measures the quality of life of its population in psychological terms. It is the modern state of which the dragon prince will inherit one day, worthy of a postcard. Or, even better, since Instagram post


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