Prince Philip’s funeral will take place next Saturday and Harry’s presence has been confirmed


Photograph of the late Prince Philip amid bouquets outside Windsor Castle near London, UK.  April 10, 2021. REUTERS / Andrew Boyers
Photograph of the late Prince Philip amid bouquets of flowers outside Windsor Castle near London, UK. April 10, 2021. REUTERS / Andrew Boyers

The funeral of Prince Philip, who died on Friday at the age of 99, will take place on next Saturday at St George’s Chapel, next to Windsor CastleBuckingham Palace announced on Saturday. Harry’s presence confirmed but his wife, Meghan Markle, will not be present, Who is pregnant.

The private ceremony will start at 2:00 p.m. GMT, when the nation will be invited to observe a minute of silence in tribute to the husband of Queen Elizabeth II, and will be broadcast on television.

The United Kingdom on Saturday paid its first solemn tribute to the figure of Queen Elizabeth II’s husband, Prince Philip, with 41 cannon shots, one per minute, in different parts of British geography.

From 12:00 local time (11:00 GMT) and up to 41 minutes later, guns at military sites in London, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Belfast or Gibraltar, as well as destroyers HMS Diamond and HMS Montrose, they fired shots that were offered live on televisions.

Despite the fact that dozens of people gathered near one of these places, like the iconic Tower of London, the ceremony took place with great sobriety, after the government asked citizens to follow the salvos from their homes due to the pandemic.

Shortly before the start of the cannon shots, the Royal House posted on its social networks the extract of a 1997 speech by Elizabeth II (on the occasion of her golden birthday) in which she explained the importance of the Duke of Edinburgh in his life, accompanied by a photo of both.

“He has just been my strength and support for all these years and I and his whole family and that and many other countries owe him more than he would ever recognize or what we will ever know,” did he declare.

Flowers are laid outside Windsor Castle by several people after the death of Prince Philip, in Windsor, near London, UK.  April 10, 2021. REUTERS / Andrew Boyers
Flowers are laid outside Windsor Castle by several people after the death of Prince Philip, in Windsor, near London, UK. April 10, 2021. REUTERS / Andrew Boyers


Good part of the british showed their sincere condolences and some have come together in spontaneous acts to honor the deceased, in a demonstration of the legitimacy enjoyed by the British royal household, in part thanks to the work of the late prince.

His role as a member of the royal family has contributed for decades to the British monarchy “to be maintained as an institution undoubtedly vital for the balance and happiness of our national life“Said the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, in a speech outside his official Downing Street residence.

The UK Parliament has been convened next Monday so that deputies and lords can pay homage to the deceased. The executives of Ireland and Northern Ireland also expressed their condolences and Scotland announced the suspension of the campaign for elections to its Parliament on May 6.

Queen Elizabeth II with her husband Felipe
Queen Elizabeth II with her husband Felipe


Affectionately, the Kings of Spain, in a telegram to Queen Elizabeth, called the deceased “our dear uncle philip“And passed them on”sincere condolences“In the name of the Government and of the Spanish people, as well as its”proximity and support“in these”those painful moments”, Informed sources of the Spanish royal house.

Other European royal houses have brought grief to the British royal familyLike the kings of Belgium, Felipe and Matilde, who underlined the “great sadness” the news caused them, while the kings of the Netherlands, Guillermo Alejandro and Máxima, underlined their “vibrant personality” and their “unforgettable impression”.

The death of Queen Elizabeth II’s husband came at a particularly delicate time for the British monarchy, mainly due to the explosive interview recently offered by Prince Harry and Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle, in which they accused the royal family of racism.

The Dukes expressed their condolences through a brief post: the couple posted a message on the website of the foundation they set up last year, Archewell, who said: “Thank you for your service … you will be sorely missed“.


Pope Francis offered his condolences to Queen Elizabeth II after the death of her husband, Duke Philip of Edinburgh
“Good evening, Felipe”: this is how the British media reflected the death of the Duke of Edinburgh

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