Prior agreement between the United States and China to end the trade war


The two parts reviewed draft agreements on issues of technology transfer, intellectual property protection, services, agriculture and bilateral trade balance.

In addition, delegations discussed the systems for implementing potential commitments and they will continue to negotiate outstanding issuessays the report.

American and Chinese negotiators will resume discussions next week try to conclude a pact that ends a tariff battle that has affected world markets.

Parties give little details on progress, after Chinese Deputy Prime Minister Liu He concluded three days of meetings with the US Trade Representative, Robert Lighthizerand the secretary of the treasury, Steven Mnuchinin Washington.

President Donald Trump He said Thursday that an agreement could be announced in the next four weeks.

After nearly a year of trade war, the United States is seeking to reform Chinese practices that, in their view, lead to the theft of their intellectual property and the forced transfer of business technology by Chinese companies. Washington is also calling on Beijing to end industrial subsidies and open its economy to US companies.

"There is still a lot of work to be done and officials will keep in constant touch to resolve outstanding issues"said the Lighthizer office in a statement.


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