Prior agreement with China for exports of meat and agro-industrial products


It was also agreed to standardize a unique certificate for all meats what allows the start of exports of pork and beef with bone and cooled.

Both parties made it clear that Advancing in electronic certification is a priority which will be an important part of future work between the two countries.

The agreement was concluded between the authorities of the China Plant and Animal Safety and Quarantine Office and the ambbadador of Argentina in that country, Diego Guelar; the agricultural adviser in Beijing, Hernán Viola, President of the National Service for Health Quality and Agribusiness (Senasa), Ricardo Negri and the Agency's International Relations Coordinator, Miguel Donatelli.

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The meeting also set an agenda for topics to be discussed during the year and the dates of China's inspection visits to Argentina for soy flour, live cattle, fetal calf serum and fishmeal have been determined.

Similarly, China has made progress in recognizing fly-free areas – which will benefit the production of pears, apples and cherries-; registration of pea establishments and certificates of export of honey and egg products. Final agreements remain.

Other topics covered are the access to the Chinese market for nuts, lemons, rice, wheat and sorghum for human consumption.

During the meeting, the Chinese authorities expressed confidence in Senasa's safety and quality control system for agro-industrial products that Argentina exports to it.

"The meeting was very good, we have come forward with many points of mutual interest, and China has expressed confidence in Senasa, which allows us to accelerate agri-food exports in this important global market.", says Negri

For Senasa Holder "This is a product of the teamwork we are constantly doing with the Argentine Embbady and the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture as well as the Foreign Affairs and Agro-Industry Ministries to demonstrate that we have a reliable system of control of safety and quality ".

Chinese customs pointed out at the meeting that Argentina is the country that has opened the most markets in recent years in China, without detections or rejections, were recorded in the consignments, which generates the confidence of the Chinese authorities and is reflected in the agreements concluded recently.


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