Prior to the stop, Macri visited a refrigerator: "Leaving behind grim shortcuts is not easy, it costs" – 29/04/2019


Before the strike, President Mauricio Macri had declared that "it is not easy to leave behind shortcuts". He said that in a refrigerator Marcos Paz, announcing the approval of the export of pork in China and in the context of high market tensions with high interest rates, a volatile dollar and a country risk of 940 basis points.

In this regard, he badured that this situation "of uncertainty" had to do with the electoral process"and that in" October they will clear up. "He added: "Those who doubt from a distance, we will not come back."

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Clarin Bulletins

What you need to know today | The most important news of the day to read in ten minutes

What you need to know today | The most important news of the day to read in ten minutes

Monday to Friday morning.

On Sunday evening, in the same position as Macri, Marcos Peña had emphasized Cristina Kirchner for "the fragility of the economy": "We will have an economic fragility from here to the elections". He added: ": "Until Argentina pbades its elections, it will live in great volatility."

In Marcos Paz, Macri also pointed out that China is the world's largest consumer of pork. This announcement therefore implies "a lot of work for us". In Argentina, when we speak, we build bridges and always rely on ourselves, on our work. "

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The Trade Union Front for the National Model, the CTAs and the trade union unions have ratified the 24-hour strike announced for tomorrow. The national strike, which brings together various trade union organizations, will have an impact due to the accession of some transport unions and will also affect services.

The Tranviarios Automobile Manufacturers Union has called for its own measure for Wednesday Labor Day and has decided not to adhere to Tuesday's measure convened by the Front Syndicale.

However, some collective lines will be added to the measure on Tuesday, but will circulate on Wednesday, the day the transport union will strike to demand the reformulation of income tax on wages, in addition to an increase. emergencies. for retirees.

Look here for the bus lines that will end on Tuesday.


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