Priscila Paz wanted to find their mobile phone and they are already apprehended


Today 21:07

Tucumán. Over the days, investigators add indications to suspect that Priscila Paz may have been robbed. What happened next? It remains a mystery.

This is because they found the cell phone that belonged to the 21-year-old girl, who was last seen on Sunday morning when she left work (she is domestic in a hotel El Manantial) and returns home, in San Pablo

Under the direction of the prosecutor María del Carmen Reuter, more than 100 policemen seek it without rest. But the discovery of Priscila's cell phone, added to other information that the case instructor has handled, would indicate that the girl was the victim of a robbery.

There are three suspects apprehended so far. Judicial sources said that none of them is known to the victim and should testify before Reuter to advance the investigation.

Meanwhile, tomorrow will be a week after the disappearance of Priscilla, who has a three-year-old son. ask her The members of her family are desperate. "I've never thought anything like this would happen to us.The days go by and there's no news.The final result of the research must be that they find Priscilla." J & # 39, have the hope that it will appear, "said his father, Pedro Paz.

Source: The Gaceta

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