Progress in vaccine distribution, province of …


The national government will complete this week ldistribution of 2,684,600 vaccines in all jurisdictions of the country, record work as part of the Strategic Vaccination Plan against Covid-19.

This figure will be reached after that between this Friday and Saturday, the provinces and the city of Buenos Aires receive 400,200 additional doses of component 1 of Sputnik V, 80,100 doses of component 2 and 600,100 of Astrazeneca obtained through the Covax mechanism of the World Health Organization.

The various vaccines began to be distributed as soon as the customs clearance process was completed., reception, thermal control, counting, fractionation and packaging which ensure its quality and the good conservation of antigens.

According to the criteria established by the Ministry of Health, according to the population of each district and the minimum packaging unit, the items of component 1 of the Sputnik V vaccine were distributed as follows: 389,850 doses to the province of Buenos Aires; 61,950 to the autonomous city of Buenos Aires; 9,000 in Catamarca; 25,950 from Chaco; 13,500 in Chubut; 84,000 in Cordoba; 24,450 in Corrientes; 30,450 in Entre Ríos; 12,450 from Formosa; 16,500 in Jujuy; 7,500 in La Pampa; 7,950 in La Rioja; 45,000 in Mendoza; 28,500 to missions; 15,000 in Neuquén; 16,500 in Río Negro; 32,550 from Salta; 18,000 in San Juan; 10,950 in San Luis; 7,950 in Santa Cruz; 79,050 in Santa Fe; 21,450 in Santiago del Estero; 3,450 in Tierra del Fuego and 38,550 in Tucumán.

At the same time, component 2 of Sputnik V, which will make it possible to complete the vaccination schedules, was distributed as follows: 30,900 doses to the province of Buenos Aires; 5,400 to the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires; 600 in Catamarca; 2,100 in Chaco; 1,200 in Chubut; 6,600 in Córdoba; 2,100 in Corrientes; 2,400 in Entre Ríos; 1,200 in Formosa; 1,500 in Jujuy; 600 in La Pampa; 600 in La Rioja; 3,600 in Mendoza; 2,100 missions; 1,200 in Neuquén; 1,200 in Río Negro; 2,400 in Salta; 1,500 in San Juan; 900 in San Luis; 600 in Santa Cruz; 6,300 in Santa Fe; 1,800 in Santiago del Estero; 300 in Tierra del Fuego and 3,000 in Tucumán.

As for the doses of Astrazeneca, they were distributed as follows: 626,200 doses in the province of Buenos Aires; 106,500 to the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires; 12,100 in Catamarca; 40,400 in Chaco; 20,500 in Chubut; 138,400 in Córdoba; 38,900 in Corrientes; 48,400 in Entre Ríos; 20,300 in Formosa; 23,200 in Jujuy; 11,100 in La Pampa; 11,700 in La Rioja; 73,500 in Mendoza; 26,500 to missions; 23,900 in Neuquén; 22,800 in Río Negro; 54,000 in Salta; 28,100 in San Juan; 13,700 in San Luis; 11,300 in Santa Cruz; 129,500 in Santa Fe; 31,700 in Santiago del Estero; 7,900 in Tierra del Fuego and 63,600 in Tucumán.

“It is important to continue to take care of ourselves and reduce cases while we continue to vaccinate. We are aiming that with the doses which will arrive at the end of May and those which will arrive in June, we will be able to increase the vaccination before winter ”, declared the Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti.

According to data from the Public Vaccination Monitor, the online registry that shows the vaccination operation in real time throughout Argentina, 14,264,154 vaccines have been distributed this morning, of which 11,676,733 have already been applied: 9,084,600 2,592,133 people received the first dose and both.

Details of vaccine distribution

Province of Buenos Aires:

626.200 AstraZeneca

389.850 Sputnik V 1

30.900 Sputnik V 2

Total: 1,046,950

Autonomous City of Buenos Aires:

106.500 AstraZeneca

61.950 Sputnik V 1

5.400 Sputnik V 2

Total: 173,850


12,100 AstraZeneca

9,000 Sputnik V 1

600 Sputnik V 2

Total: 21,700


40.400 AstraZeneca

25.950 Sputnik V 1

2.100 Sputnik V 2

Total: 68,450


20.500 AstraZeneca

13.500 Sputnik V 1

1.200 Sputnik V 2

Total: 35,200


138.400 AstraZeneca

84,000 Sputnik V 1

6.600 Sputnik V 2

Total: 229,000


38.900 AstraZeneca

24.450 Sputnik V 1

2.100 Sputnik V 2

Total: 75,500

Between rivers:

48.400 AstraZeneca

30.450 Sputnik V 1

2.400 Sputnik V 2

Total: 81,250


20.300 AstraZeneca

12.450 Sputnik V 1

1.200 Sputnik V 2

Total: 33,950


23.200 AstraZeneca

16.500 Sputnik V 1

1.500 Sputnik V 2

Total: 41,200

The Pampas:

11,100 AstraZeneca

7,500 Sputnik V 1

600 Sputnik V 2

Total: 19,200

La Rioja:

11,700 AstraZeneca

7.950 Sputnik V 1

600 Sputnik V 2

Total: 20,250


73.500 AstraZeneca

45,000 Sputnik V 1

3.600 Sputnik V 2

Total: 122,100


26.500 AstraZeneca

28.500 Sputnik V 1

2.100 Sputnik V 2

Total: 57,100


23.900 AstraZeneca

15,000 Sputnik V 1

1.200 Sputnik V 2

Total: 40,100

Black River:

22.800 AstraZeneca

16.500 Sputnik V 1

1.200 Sputnik V 2

Total: 40,500


54,000 AstraZeneca

32.550 Sputnik V 1

2.400 Sputnik V 2

Total: 89,950

Saint Jean:

28.100 AstraZeneca

18,000 Sputnik V 1

1.500 Sputnik V 2

Total: 47,600

San Luis:

13.700 AstraZeneca

10.950 Sputnik V 1

900 Sputnik V 2

Total: 25,550

Holy Cross:

11.300 AstraZeneca

7.950 Sputnik V 1

600 Sputnik V 2

Total: 19,850

Santa Fe:

129.500 AstraZeneca

79.050 Sputnik V 1

6.300 Sputnik V 2

Total: 214,850

Santiago del Estero:

31.700 AstraZeneca

21.450 Sputnik V 1

1.800 Sputnik V 2

Total: 54,950

Land of Fire:

7.900 AstraZeneca

3.450 Sputnik V 1

300 Sputnik V 2

Total: 11,650


63.600 AstraZeneca

38.550 Sputnik V 1

3,000 Sputnik V 2

Total: 105,150


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