Progressive leaders in Latin America and Europe sign …


Gathered in La Paz on the occasion of Luis Arce’s inauguration as President of Bolivia, leaders, former presidents and progressive leaders from Latin America and Europe signed on Sunday the “La Paz Declaration in Defense of Democracy” and “Against the Far Right”. The initiative was promoted by the president Alberto Fernandez, his Bolivian peer, Luis Arce, and the second vice-president of the Spanish government, Pablo Iglesias, among other references.

Today democracy is threatened and it suffices to analyze the political events of recent months in Bolivia, the host country of this declaration, to verify that the main threat to democracy and social peace in the 21st century is the far-right coup“says the document.” A global ultra-right that spreads lies and systematic defamation of adversaries as political instruments, calling for persecution and political violence in different countries, “the statement warned.

The joint declaration adds that “this anti-democratic action is reinforced where it finds at its service communicational powers which, accumulating an immense power of influence, seek to manipulate and protect democracies to defend their political and economic interests”, and puts Bolivia as “an international benchmark for the citizen response to the coup d’étatThe signatories expressed their commitment to work together “for the defense of democracy, peace, human rights and social justice in the face of the threat posed by the far-right coup.” .

The list of adherents to the declaration is completed by the former presidents of Bolivia Evo Morales, from Brazil Dilma Rousseff, from Ecuador Rafael Correa, from Spain Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero and Greece Alexis Tsipras. The presidential candidates of Ecuador Andrés Arauz, of Chile Daniel Jadue, of Colombia Gustavo Petro and of Peru Verónica Mendoza, as well as of Jean Luc Melenchon, leader of Francia Insumisa, and Caterina Martins, of the Esquerda bloc in Portugal, joined the call against “anti-democratic actions” in different parts of the world.


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