Prohibit a coconut oil – 07/16/2018


The coconut oil is fashionable. It is widely used in cosmetics, although its demand as a product for cooking has also increased. Its promoters claim that it brings a saturated fat "good", which has very few calories, and that translates into healthier fried foods . In full swing, a brand of this product has just been banned.

The National Administration of Medicines, Food and Medical Technology (ANMAT) published this Monday in the Official Gazette the ban on the marketing of the product "coconut oil, coconut oil, extra virgin, organic", the brand Sitaram, expiring in February 2019 throughout the country.

The reason was a complaint by Food Risk . During an inspection, the Food Office of the Province of Buenos Aires reported that containers of 360 cc and 250 ml of this oil had been detected without a product label or label. authorized establishment. Therefore, the confiscation was continued

It turns out to be "an illegal food", due to the lack of authorization of the product and the establishment. As "can not be identified in a reliable and clear manner as produced, prepared and / or divided in a particular establishment, can not be developed anywhere in the country, or marketed or sold in the territory of the Republic ", says the provision 7078 /2018.

Furthermore, a health summary was given to the dietician who sold it, located in Mar del Plata, on the Avenue de la Constitución at 5100.

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