Projections: how long will the dollar last and inflation end of the year


In the middle of the election year, two fundamental issues concern the national government. The price of the dollar and inflation are the topics that are receiving the most attention at Casa Rosada, mainly because of the effect this could have on electoral claims.

According to a report by La Nación, citing data from Focus Economics Consensus Forecast LatinFocus, which takes into account data from the largest private consulting firms in the country, the dollar would continue to rise and would be around $ 47.71 in December.

The latest report from the body that collects the economic projections also indicates that inflation will approach 30.7% and that economic activity will decrease by 1.1%.

For the moment, the national government is most worried about the dollar, because it understands that the value increases are transferred to prices and therefore to inflation. The report said in February that the dollar projected for December was $ 47.53 and now stands at $ 47.71. In 2020, the same document provides a price of $ 55.21.

L & # 39; inflation

With regard to inflation, the consultants point out a significant decrease compared to the disastrous number of 2018, but it would remain very high even in 2020. For this year, economists predict an index of 29.8%.

The same report updated the price index because, in its previous version, it expected inflation of 28.8% for this year, which is close to what they expect from the Executive and is located at 28%.



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