proposes that they work in the interior of the country


A project of the ruling bloc seeks to qualify their diplomas to be able to practice in different places where there are professionals

MP Fernando Iglesias will present a bill that will be presented to the Congress to allow Venezuelan migrants to be in posts corresponding to or related to their university education. but in non-urban areas.

The idea, presented by the MP for Cambio Iglesias, seeks the "Provisional and conditional qualification of Venezuelan professional titles", so that they can work in any point of the Argentine Republic, with the exception of" CABA, the municipalities of AMBA and the cities of La Plata, Córdoba, Rosario, Mendoza and Santa Fe ".

"There is a monstrous infrastructure gap leading to an accumulation of people in the federal capital and in the GBA, many small towns in the interior of the country where there is a vacant holiday that the Argentineans do not cover. that wages are reasonable, they do not want to live outside the big cities, "said TN the author of the project.

In this sense, the initiative aims to allow, with the corresponding title, with the exception of presenting it apostilled, to professionals in the following fields: medicine, dentistry and other activities related to the field of health; engineering and architecture; exact Sciences; and teaching activities in disciplines in which universal knowledge is required and not related to Argentine culture.

Eduardo Amadeo, a Cambiemos deputy who is also working on this project, admits: "This will obviously generate noise because many people will say that they come to fill the position, but it is also true that when our parents came, they took the job, someone who was already and they were integrated. It's a process that needs to be a bit taken, but it's the best Argentine tradition. "

The qualification of the professional titles must be renewed every 5 years.

Whatever the case may be, both legislators indicate that this initiative would benefit the people of the interior of the country who are short of professionals responding to a significant demand ", because the post is there but that it does not exist. There is no one to occupy ", and considers" favorably affect the job market because everyone wins ".

"The positions that Venezuelans would occupy these are the ones that the Argentineans have released for years. Migrants work in poor quality jobs that could be held by Argentine workers, provided they decide to leave the plans, "says Iglesias.

Amadeo, for its part, anticipates criticism that could generate the project that already has a parliamentary status, warns: "We must be very careful politically, respect the rules avoid xenophobic noise to legal problems"

Left Front MP Myriam Bregman agrees to "facilitate the procedures for all those who need to migrate," but questions the measure: "It's not just an attempt to get the ball rolling. alignment with the Trump policy, should contemplate all the migrants of Latin America. Why not include Colombians, for example?"
Bregman acknowledges that in Venezuela "there is a special situation", but accused the author of the project to make "a cut of reality, in accordance with the foreign policy of the government". "I only claim equality for other brothers in Latin America"

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