Prosecutor Mueller's report concludes that Donald Trump has not conspired with Russia to come to power – 03/24/2019


Donald Trump yesterday celebrated a news that gives him a head start on his reelection: Special Attorney Robert Mueller has found no evidence that the President conspired with Russia after 22 months of investigation depth. Although the prosecutor left open the possibility that he actually committed the crime of obstruction of justice, Trump celebrated his "complete and total exemption".

Mueller investigated Moscow's interference in the 2016 presidential election and on the possible collusion of the current US President or his entourage in this strategy, in order to promote the victory of the republican. Trump has always denied these accusations and is limited to saying that it was a "witch hunt".

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Monday to Friday afternoon.

TKnowing the findings of the report, Trump celebrated and declared that the document badumes "complete and complete exemption" from his person and that "there was no collusion"In a brief statement to the press shortly before embarking for Washington from the international airport of Palm Beach, South Florida, bound for Washington, the charges of alleged conspiracy of his campaign with Russia were "the most ridiculous thing ever."

Mueller concluded his investigation on Friday without additional formal charges, ending an investigation by Trump for nearly two years. To make your report, Mueller issued more than 2,800 subpoenas, executed nearly 500 search warrants, obtained more than 230 applications for registration of communications, nearly 50 telephone records, submitted 13 requests for evidence to foreign governments, and interviewed approximately 500 witnesses. Yesterday, Barr published a summary of this survey.

In a four-page letter to Congress, Attorney General William Barr summarized the key findings of Mueller's investigation. Basically, he pointed to the alleged conspiracy that "the investigation did not establish that the members of the Trump campaign had conspired or co-ordinated their activities of electoral interference with the Russian government ".

On the obstruction of justice, although Mueller's report "does not conclude that the president has committed a crime, he does not exonerate him either". But the government should prove this case "beyond a reasonable doubt," he adds.

In addition, he adds that there will be no further prosecution for the Russian conspiracy: "The report does not recommend further processing or the special prosecutor has obtained new charges" sealed " that have yet to be made public, "Barr said on the possibility that he will be laying charges once he leaves the presidency.

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Although finding no evidence of collusion, the report confirms "Russia's two main efforts to influence the 2016 elections". The first refers to the activities of the Russian Internet Research Agency (IRA), "to carry out misinformation operations and social networks in the United States", in order to "sow social discord and interfere in the elections "and in which no collaboration was found in the United States. The second mentions that "the Russian government has managed to hack computers and get emails from people affiliated with the Clinton campaign and Democratic Party organizations, and has disseminated this information through various intermediaries, including WikiLeaks."

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That is why there are 26 Russian defendants who will probably never be tried in the United States. because there is no bilateral extradition treaty, but the report, according to Barr, finds no coordination with the Trump campaign.

Democrats have already shown that they would not readily accept the conclusions of this report. They ask to read the entire report and announce that they will call on Minister Barr to testify, as they do not agree with his interpretation of Mueller's investigation. (see separately)

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Although the report leaves the door open to the existence of a possible obstruction of justice (a crime for which a president may be prosecuted politically), the fact that it reveals that there was no collusion between Trump and Russia is a political victory. for the president. The possibility of an impeachment was rare because Republicans held a majority in the Senate, which is the chamber that should try the president at the request of the representatives. Now, everything is becoming a lot more nebulous. Democrats will be able to insist on some details, but on the political front, it is clear that this decision gives Trump tremendous confidence in facing his reelection campaign in 2020.

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