Prosecutor opposes new pension mobility formula


Attorney Gabriel de Vedia issued a notice Thursday against pension increases to be established with the new formula approved by Congress at the end of last year, promoted by the government.

De Vedia ruled that Retroactivity is "unconstitutional" and argues that pension badets must "be adjusted in accordance with the Retirees Mobility Act approved in 2009."

The representative of the Public Ministry signed five opinions in favor of amparo proceedings. In this manner, the official badured that the increases in pensions, pensions and the Universal Allowance for the & All All [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[child(AUH)shouldbereviewedtodetermineiftheywerelowerthanthoseestablishedbythelawofretirementmobilitysanctionedin2009

In the first half, pensions, pensions and other social security benefits accumulated a loss higher than l 4%, since the increases totaled 11.73%, against inflation which could rise to 16%.

De Vedia explained in the writings that the March increases were to be made with the previous formula, so that "Retroactivity is unconstitutional, there is no doubt and I do not think that anybody One can say at this point that it is constitutional because the other law was in force, "he added. , said the prosecutor told the newspaper Página 12.

De Vedia, said: "I still do not say that it is unconstitutional because you have to see what happens and how the indices evolve." I see a feeling of regression. "

In accordance with the opinion of the tax experts, the Federal Social Security Chamber declared unconstitutional the March payment to pensioners in June because the previous formula had to be applied.


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