Prosecutor questions CFK's trip | The ex-mandata …


The request of former President Cristina Kirchner to visit her daughter Florence in Cuba, where she is undergoing medical treatment, has been challenged by the federal prosecutor Diego Luciani. According to the federal Federal Court prosecutor 2, the former president's request to be absent between April 20 and 30 is about to begin the oral trial for the alleged address of the public work in Santa Cruz, who has a date for May 21st.

The prosecutor's opinion opposing the senator's visit should now be badyzed by Judges Jorge Gorini, Rodrigo Giménez Uriburu and Adriana Palliotti, who make up the court that will hold the first oral trial against the former president.

Cristina yesterday presented a letter requesting the new license, despite the absence of prohibition to leave the country, in front of the three courts and the court of Claudio Bonadio, which corroborate the eleven cases opened against the head of the company. Unidad Ciudadana. The prosecutor of the case "Los Sauces" in front of the TOF 5, Diego Velasco, has pronounced in favor of the authorization of the requested trip. Meanwhile, the prosecutor of the case "Hotesur" in front of the TOF 8, Marcelo Colombo, has not yet issued an opinion.

The first trip of the President to Cuba, where her daughter Florencia continued the treatment of lymphedema due to post-traumatic stress, was held from March 14 to 22 without the conditions agreed in court. have been hindered or delayed.

According to court sources, Luciani said in his ruling that 21 days between the date of return set by the former president and the beginning of the oral trial for the alleged address of public works in Santa Cruz could jeopardize the evolution of the process, in the event that Cristina will ask for an extension of her stay. Something that did not happen on the first trip.

The prosecutor, who had not objected to the senator's previous visit, said that he had asked for the same measure in other cases, including the one that had tried the former secretary to the Environment and Sustainable Development, Romina Picolotti, and the former head of the Royal Mint, Armando Gostanián.

Florencia Kirchner is prosecuted in cases known as Hotesur and Los Sauces, in which alleged money-laundering tactics are investigated by real estate and hotel companies, and must be submitted to a court of law. oral and public trials in both cases.

The daughter of the former president went to Cuba in mid-March to, with the permission of the courts that must judge her, take a scenario course, but she asked during her stay authorized to delay his return and to follow the recommended treatment.


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