Province to begin immunizing boys between 12 and 17 years old without co-morbidities


On the other hand, after two days which took place in San Luis, and within the framework of the Federal Council of Health (Cofesa), the Minister of Health of the Nation Carla Vizzotti, affirmed yesterday that the objective of the government is “to continue with the second doses and with the adolescents, and, from November, assess whether we are able to give a booster to people who have certain health conditions and are immunosuppressed”, with a third dose. This option opened by the national minister includes health personnel who provide health services.

Mission accomplished

Vizzotti’s statements were followed up in Cofesa by his counterpart in Santa Fe Martorano. “The August target was more than achieved (with the application of 7 million vaccines), thanks to the efforts of all health workers and the confidence of the population, it is therefore essential in September to continue to to complete the vaccination schedules and to perpetuate the care, in this way, we will be able to continue the authorized activities and evaluate new qualifications ”, declared the Minister of the Nation.

Non-priority adolescents

As for the arrival of the Pfizers and after going back and forth between the government and the American laboratory due to the contractualization and delivery conditions, it has been confirmed that the first batches will arrive during the first fortnight of this month.

These vaccines will be intended to complete heterologous calendars and to advance in the vaccination of non-priority 17-year-old adolescents, that is to say without comorbidities, in a context of nearly 20 million vaccines which will arrive in the last quarter of the year. ‘year. .

As for the province, Martorano said September will be a month to complete vaccination schedules, both with the second doses of Sputnik arriving from Russia, as well as those sent by the Richmond lab across the country. Sinopharm and Moderna will also be used in addition to Sputnik. And this week will arrive more doses of AstraZeneca that will be used in those who were vaccinated in June with the first dose.

They arrive in September

Martorano also clarified that Pfizer shipments will be received this month (100,000 on September 6, plus 100,000 more on September 13). “They will be intended for adolescents of 17 years without risk factors and as and as the arrival increases, it will progress in a decreasing way until the age of 12”, specified the minister of Santa Fe. estimates that Pfizer’s target population is 300,000 Santa Fe adolescents. And then, along with the rest, the rest of the adult population will be followed with second doses.

It should be remembered that yesterday the application of the second dose to adolescents with co-morbidities began. There are about 28,000 relieved throughout the province, of which about 10,000 correspond to Rosario.

Regarding general immunization, Vizzotti pointed out that 70.3 percent of people aged 50 and over have two doses.

Strictly speaking, until yesterday there were almost 28 million Argentines with a first dose and almost 15 million with a second dose. This is equivalent to 60 percent and 30 percent of the vaccinated population, respectively.

In Santa Fe as of yesterday, 3,611,389 have been applied, 2,324,748 are for first doses, while 1,286,641 are for second doses. This equates to 95 percent inoculation compliance. Yesterday, 54,714 vaccines were applied throughout the day.

These figures are one more “sign” that there has been a “sustained and solid advance in immunization,” said Vizzotti, and also noted that in the country “there is a great desire to be vaccinated. “, a situation which implies” a lot of commitment from the population “And awareness of” the collective impact that this generates; therefore, it is something that we value “.

On the other hand, concerning the new openings which include end-of-study trips or situations linked to the entry of foreigners, the official specified that “everything will generally depend on the progress of the second doses in September” after which exceptions will continue to be studied. and “they will be communicated according to the epidemiological situation”.

Taking stock of the isolation at the start of the pandemic, the head of the health portfolio replied: “The country was not going to resist what the health system was” if this measure was not taken and that there was absolute consensus ”.

“Then we started to say that it was the longest quarantine in the world, which was not true,” said Vizzotti; and added that these were “care measures to minimize transmission” of the virus, with which the balance was that “our health system was able to respond to both the first and second wave of the pandemic “.

Santa Fe has exposed its data to the drop

On Monday, the first day of the Federal Health Council (Cofesa) discussed the opening plan, the monitoring of the indicators set by the recent national decree and the Delta variant.

As part of the meeting, the National Plan for Health Quality, the progress of the National Plan for Human Talents (admission and approval of residences), the draft regulation of the Chagas law and the implementation of the Interruption laws were also presented. for pregnancy (IVE) and comprehensive health care and care during pregnancy and infancy, called “a thousand days”.

In this national context, the province presented its most recent data: Santa Fe has a noticeable drop in daily infections (at the rate of 400 per day over the past two weeks), with 8% positivity in tests and 56% of bed occupancy, 10% of which are Covid patients.

“We worked on a series of axes, integrating the national tables for this plan. It has been hard and fruitful work, ”said Provincial Minister of Health Sonia Martorano.

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