Puerto Rico celebrated the resignation of Ricardo Rosselló but we doubt his successor


Puerto Ricans walked this Thursday to express your joy for the resignation of the governor, Ricardo Rosselló, after two and a half years of power. However, Nelson, the correspondent, recorded the crisis and the doubt that has a lot of the population compared to his successor, the secretary of justice Wanda Vázquez.

Rosselló announced Wednesday night his departure from power on August 2, after the scandal that triggered his participation and that of some of his advisers in a controversial discussion in which political rivals, artists and members of the LGBT community were insulted.

"It's something new for Puerto Rico, it's a city that tired of so much corruption. The government is no longer useful. Things have already changed, "said a protester at the team of TN He went to the city of San Juan. One woman said she went to the governor's house. "My grandchildren wanted to come to protest and be part of the story"he said.

"We brought our daughter to know and, when she will be tall, she knows that she has experienced this, that tell your children and grandchildren"commented on a wedding with Nelson Castro and added," For us it's a feat. In 30 years, we have never witnessed such a movement. We are proud to have realized this. "

The suspicion against Wanda Vázquez arose after journalistic information published by the digital newspaper Noticel, according to which, in an alleged exchange of messages between her and the former Secretary of the Treasury, Raúl Maldonado, would refuse to investigate Possible irregularities on some containers with help for the victims of Hurricane Maria, the tropical cyclone that destroyed Puerto Rico in 2017.

The Secretary of Justice denied this information and noted that during her career in the public service, "he showed "that" he worked in a complete and honest way for the benefit of the people. "" The published interpretations are vicious attacks aimed at attacking our integrity. The interpretation that has been given to these questions is false and defamatory, "added Vázquez.

The past of Rosselló's successor is not without controversy. In November 2017, the Independent Special Prosecutor's Office (OPFEI) filed a complaint against him for violating the government's law of ethics and the penal code following an investigation for alleged interference in the 39, case followed by a home theft. of his daughter who led the governor to temporarily set it aside Office

For their part, the singers Bad Bunny, Resident, Wisin, Tommy Torres and other artists led the event "We Are More", whose initial intention was to ask for the resignation of Rosselló, but, knowing the resignation In addition, they recalled their request for "departure" from the Budget Supervisory Board (JSF).

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Carlos Méndez, closed the process of opening the political trial against the president. At an extraordinary meeting of the legislature, which arrives a day after Rosselló's resignation, his resignation letter was read.


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