Puma Rodríguez criticized Pope Francisco for "turning a blind eye" to the crisis in Venezuela


The singer was tough with Pope Francisco after he did not comment on what is happening in Venezuela.

Interviewed by the journalist

Diego Leuco

in the program
We are already well, the singer José Luis "Puma" Rodríguez badyzed the crisis of his country and also of yapa, he destroyed the

dad Francisco

for its "coldness" in the face of the complex situation facing all Venezuelans.

It is that the Venezuelan president,

Nicolás Maduro

, remains firm in the chair of the President while on the other side, with international support led by

United States

the parliamentary leader of the opposition,

Juan Guaidó

, has been proclaimed Acting Head of State.

"I've never seen so many people demonstrate in Venezuela, 90% of the population does not want this communist regime, drug trafficking, dictatorial, abusive, and they want to get out of it, it's a difficult dictatorship and I regret countries that are indifferent to what is happening in Venezuela ". "Children are starving, drugs are not coming, they do not have to eat," he said.

Regarding the "de facto" president, he said: "He has an impressive courage, he is a brave man, a patriot, he took the reins of the country, proclaimed himself and there he is without fear. I can leave this evil regime peacefully, there is a light on the road, which is Guaidó and the people on the street. "

Francisco, who heads World Youth Day in Panama, arrived in Venezuela and found a 60-meter-long Venezuelan flag drawn by Venezuelans living in Panama who said: "Pray for


"(" Pray for Venezuela ").

A young man wearing a Venezuelan flag [R][R] He tried to approach the vehicle carrying Pope Francis on his journey to the exit of Panama Airport. Huge fear for those responsible for the security of the pontiff.
pic.twitter.com/dFi91ctdGx& – Néstor Trigueros (@NestorTrigueros)
January 24, 2019

But in his speech, he did not mention the conflict in this country, only a statement sent by the Holy See called for efforts to avoid "hurting the people". Because of this, the singer blamed the church leader for neglecting the issue.

The singer quickly linked the subject and sent back to Pope Francisco: "Even Bergoglio with this indifference, this coldness that characterizes it with those countries that want to get out of these tyrants, there is a certain flattery, a certain accommodation".


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