Punta del Este: they are preparing a protocol for foreign owners without residence to enter | Business opening


The elected mayor of Maldonado, Enrique Antía, has announced that he works in a plan to allow foreign owners to enter Uruguay, even if they do not have a residence. As we knew, the official has already requested a hearing with Uruguayan President Luis Lacalle Pou to explain what the proposal consists of.

“We set up a working committee and met the departmental director of health to make a plan and propose a solution to the government to allow the entry of owners with sufficient and adequate controls“Antía reported. And in the same vein, he added that”It will cleanse to give you guarantees that what we want is to continue to maintain health“.

The mayor-elect of Maldonado noted that it was about having “respect with the owner who came to invest 10 or 15 years ago and that he is in a situation of contradiction, because the government invites investment, invites the establishment, but on the other hand those who have already invested cannot come ”.

He also said that if the owners cannot go there, and cannot make money transfers, then they will not be able to pay the bills, the common expenses and, in this way, “the whole chain is skewed” .

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Punta del Este draws up a protocol: what will they ask for

“I asked my secretary to give me the number of registers that Punta del Este, Maldonado and San Carlos have. Maldonado has 36,000, San Carlos 10,000 and Punta del Este 35,000. In Punta del Este, you can say that 50% – although I don’t think they are foreigners, there are 17,000 there. . In Maldonado 20% foreigners, there are 17,000. In San Carlos, there will be 30%. So 25,000 registers of foreigners, “said Enrique Antía, saying:”who come on average four per family, we are talking about 100,000 people “.

On the other hand, he estimated that if some 2,000 foreigners arrived per day, it would still remain within the limits of the testing capacity currently available to the ministry. “What we have to give them the guarantee that they will be checked, that they will be quarantined “, he stressed.

Antía reported that, as part of the plan, a proposal composed of ask for an entrance fee “which bank costs testsswab control“. In your opinion, with this rate the state does not lose and they are also required to come with health insurance and activate the Coronavirus app.

Coronavirus in Uruguay

It should be mentioned that Uruguay reported last Thursday 1,022 active cases of coronavirus -with 129 posted in the last 24 hours-, which means a new record for the country and the this is the first time that this number has exceeded 1,000 since the start of the pandemic.

In addition, one death was reported in the latest checkup, with which the The total figure since the start of the pandemic is 74.

“Currently there are 1,022 active cases, that is, people who are suffering from the disease, 11 of them are in intensive care and none are in intermediate care,” reported the National System. (Sinae) in its daily report, the news agency reported. Sputnik.

The previous highest number of active cases was yesterday, with 992 people suffering from the disease.

The Sinae recorded 129 new cases that day, the second highest number of daily infections, after reporting 136 last Sunday.

“Regarding the epidemiological trace, with the outbreaks already reported, there is a new outbreak in a residential area of ​​Montevideo. In all cases, contacts have already been identified and strict epidemiological surveillance is maintained,” said Sinae .

Since the health emergency was declared March 13, Uruguay has processed 416,093 tests and recorded 5,117 positives, of which 4,021 have already been recovered.

Of the total confirmed cases, 501 correspond to health personnel; 437 of them have already recovered, 62 are suffering from the disease and two have died.


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