Puppies learned to call 911 and drove operators crazy | Chronic


The two little dogs go crazy at 9:11 am (courtesy Lakeville police)

Two worried puppies went crazy for the 911 emergency number in the community of Lakeville, Minnesota.

Dogs, in a way, have learned to dial the number from a cell phone. When we went to the house where the calls had taken place, the only thing detected was the pair of animals and no kind of problem. After making sure that there had been no incident in the residence, the police officers withdrew.

For their part, operators reported a total of 16 calls made from the same number. The only thing that was heard on the line was barking.

It is believed that animals activated the phone with their legs because the device was in emergency call mode.

With a bit of humor, the police said in an interview with Fox 9 that the animals had been instructed on the use of 911 only in an emergency, according to the site. sdpnoticias.com.


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