Purchase of vaccines: the government of Buenos Aires now says that …


After what Santiago Cafiero make it clear that the provinces have never been banned from buying vaccines, which the city’s own Minister of Health has confirmed, Fernan Quirós, it was revealed that the claim of Patricia bullrich and much of the leadership of Together for Change was nothing more another political attempt to weaken the vaccination campaign.

Officials from Buenos Aires such as the deputy head of government, Diego Santilli, and the Chief of Staff, Felipe Miguel, now ensure that the city authorities will communicate with international laboratories to manage the purchase of various vaccines against the coronavirus. They didn’t explain, of course, why they hadn’t done so before.

This Saturday, Santilli clarified that the neighborhood will try to negotiate with Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson, and returned to take cover in a supposed “change of strategy” ordered by the Chief of Staff of the Nation.

The alleged novelty comes after the ban between Chief of Staff Santiago Cafiero and Patricia Bullrich, who earlier this week complained via Twitter: “I said 20 times to the president: let the provinces buy the vaccine. Let the labs buy. Let pharmacies buy. The most efficient vaccine distribution system in the United States is through drugstore chains ”. With these words, the president of the Pro proposed once again discredit the national government’s health campaign, ensuring that the Nation prohibits the purchase of vaccines from provinces, municipalities and private institutions. In response, Cafiero said on Wednesday that the reproach was false: that the law allows it, but that the acquisition is difficult to achieve because the market is not sufficient even with purchases made by states as such.

As part of the press conference he gave this Thursday with the head of government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, the Minister of Health of Buenos Aires, Fernán Quirós, gave the right to the national government: “Today this does not find a solution in the market, which is why it is an abstract debate. The companies have started all their production. The hires would be done at the end of the year or next year, “he said. he stated In this way, he exposed Patricia Bullrich and the other members of the macrismo who had used this argument.

“We are going to travel the road to get vaccines but we don’t think it will be immediately,” Santilli said later. America TV. He didn’t bother to explain why they hadn’t done so before, a path the province of Cordoba had walked unsuccessfully for months and which was also repeatedly claimed by the president himself. . “If they have, as they say, such good contacts with the world, why don’t they use them to get vaccines for all Argentines?”, Asked Alberto Fernández ironically in the face of the demands of the opposition against the vaccination campaign.

“We are awaiting the agreements signed last year and the arrival of vaccines. The path that we are going to take is positive, but it is not that the vaccines will arrive tomorrow, ”covered himself Santilli, who knows that international laboratories have started their production for many months. In dialogue with Radio Miter, this Saturday, he recognized that no government outside the national states could buy vaccines “because it is a scarce good” and specified that the district will try to negotiate with Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson. Regarding the timelines, he said there may be solutions “by the end of the year or after the winter. In TN, he reported that the City has vaccines available to apply until Thursday of next week.

Buenos Aires chief of staff Felipe Miguel contributed his by radio The Web: “Knowing how difficult this is going to be, let’s give it a try.” “We will make all possible efforts to acquire vaccines”, he assured in an electoral tone, aware that any intervention in the health market will have no effect to face the current emergency. .


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