Putin announced his new national security strategy and stressed against the opposition: “There are internal destructive forces trying to destabilize Russia.


The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin.  Sputnik / Alexei Nikolskyi / Kremlin via REUTERS
The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin. Sputnik / Alexei Nikolskyi / Kremlin via REUTERS

The Russian President, Vladimir Poutine, approved the new National security strategy of the country, for “Confronting destructive forces” at home and abroad try to use current challenges to destabilize Russia.

The 43-page document, published this Saturday on the government’s digital information portal, points out that increased NATO military infrastructure along Russian borders and exercises for the possible use of nuclear weapons against Russia increase the military threats the country faces.

“The destructive forces abroad and at home are trying to use the objective socio-economic difficulties of the Russian Federation to stimulate negative social processes and exacerbate interethnic and interfaith conflicts”, add your text.


The new Strategy, which replaces the one approved on December 31, 2015, specifies that With the rapid development of information and communication technologies comes the possibility of threats to the security of citizens, society and the state..

“The use in the Russian Federation of Foreign information technology and telecommunications equipment increase the vulnerability of Russian computing resources, including critical infrastructure», Warns the document.

To meet this challenge, the Strategy poses the task increase the security and stability of the power supply system, electricity, Russian Internet sector and other infrastructure, as good as prevent foreign control of its exploitation.

Red Square in Moscow.  REUTERS / Shamil Joumatov
Moscow’s Red Square. REUTERS / Shamil Joumatov

In the area of ​​economic security, the document stresses the need to “Overcome the critical dependence of the Russian economy on imported technologies and equipment” and to strengthen the country’s financial system and its sovereignty.

To this end, among other measures, it is considering the reduced use of the US dollar in foreign trade.

The strategy includes a section on “Defense of traditional Russian ethical-spiritual values, culture and historical memory”, and accuses the United States and its allies to attack them.

US President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin at the US-Russian summit at Villa La Grange in Geneva, Switzerland on June 16, 2021. REUTERS / Kevin Lamarque
US President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin at the US-Russian summit at Villa La Grange in Geneva, Switzerland on June 16, 2021. REUTERS / Kevin Lamarque

“Informational and psychological sabotage and the ‘westernization’ of culture increase the danger of the Russian Federation losing its cultural sovereignty”, alert the document.

After the tension in the Black Sea, Putin said “it would be difficult to imagine a world war”

Putin said last wednesday that the incident involving a British destroyer in the Black Sea he could not have started a world conflict even if Russia had sunk the warship, because the West knows it cannot win such a war. The harsh statement seemed to indicate his decision to raise the stakes in case a similar incident occurs again.

Putin was asked about the June 23 incident in the Black Sea, in which Russia said one of its warships fired warning shots and a warplane dropped bombs on the way to the British HMS Defender to force him out an area close to Crimea that Moscow claims as its territorial waters. He said that an American reconnaissance plane had joined what he described as a “provocation“To test Russia’s response.

A still image from a video released by the Russian Defense Ministry reportedly shows the British Royal Navy's Type 45 destroyer HMS Defender filmed from a Russian military aircraft in the Black Sea on June 23, 2021. Russian Federation / Document via REUTERS
A still image from a video released by the Russian Defense Ministry reportedly shows the British Royal Navy’s Type 45 destroyer HMS Defender filmed from a Russian military aircraft in the Black Sea on June 23, 2021. Russian Federation / Document via REUTERS

Great Britain, which like most other nations did not recognize the annexation of Crimea by Russia in 2014, he insisted that the Defender was not fired and said it was sailing in Ukrainian waters. “HMS Defender was leading a not innocent through Ukrainian territorial waters in accordance with international law, ”the British Ministry of Defense said on Wednesday.

asked if the facts They could have started a world war Putin replied that the West would not risk full-scale conflict. “Even if we had sunk this ship, it would be hard to imagine that it would put the world on the brink of World War III, for those who imagine it know that they cannot be victorious in this war, and that is Very important.Putin said. This statement followed a warning from Russian authorities that if a western warship entered the waters, the army could shoot it.

(With information from EFE and AP)


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