Putin has suggested that Trump stop trying to overthrow Maduro's government | Chronic


The president of the United States, Donald Trumphe spoke this Friday for over an hour with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Poutine, on the situation in Venezuela, on which he reiterated "the need for a peaceful transition"announced the White House.

The Kremlin, meanwhile, confirmed the conversation and noted that the Russian head of state told the Republican leader that the United States was trying to overthrow the government of Nicolás Maduro. "undermine the prospects of a political solution to the crisis"in the country of South America.

"The President reiterated the need for a peaceful transition"in Venezuela, said the spokesman of the White House, Sarah Sanders, in statements to reporters, quoted the EFE news agency.

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The phone call arrived while the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeoand the national security advisor of the White House, John Bolton, visited the Pentagon to study possible military options on Venezuela.

When asked about this, Sanders reiterated that "all the options are on the table"before the political crisis in the Caribbean country. "The president will do the necessary if necessary"said Trump spokeswoman.

The spokesman of the Kremlin, Dmitri Peskov, confirmed the telephone conversation between the two presidents "of a duration of an hour and a half," according to the Russian agency Sputnik.

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The Kremlin also said that during the dialogue, generated at Washington's initiative, issues such as the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula, the situation in Ukraine, the situation in Venezuela and various aspects of bilateral relations had been discussed.


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