Putin threatened Trump from a nuclear escalation and the United States went to a crossroads: that is propaganda


Less than a year after being re-elected for a fourth term in the presidency of Russia by a crushing and unprecedented number of votes for nearly 20 years in power, Putin sees his popularity rating collapse to its lowest level since the annexation of Crimea in 2014due to the pension reform and the VAT increase on 1 January.

In terms of foreign policy, Putin warned that Russia would deploy missiles capable of reaching the "territories where the decision centers are", in response to the deployment by the United States of new systems in Europe.

"Russia does not intend to be the first to deploy such missiles in Europe, as they are deployed and delivered on the European continent, this will seriously worsen the situation and will create serious threats to Russia, "said the president in his speech to Parliament. noting that some missiles could reach "Moscow in 10-12 minutes".

Trump Poutin


"I will say it clearly and openly: Russia will be forced to deploy weapons that can be used not only against the territories from which the direct threat comes, but also against the territories where the decision centers for the use missiles threaten us. " he continued.

This warning comes after Washington suspended its participation in the intermediate-range missile (INF) nuclear treaty, which was closed in 1987 with the USSR during the last years of the Cold War. In response, Moscow did the same.


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In his speech, Putin accused the United States of having used "imaginary accusations about Russia to motivate its unilateral exit from the agreement," and said Washington should have "said things honestly."

"We are willing to conduct negotiations on disarmament, but we will not slam the door, we expect our partners that they recognize the need for a dialogue on a foot of disarmament. equality, "he warned.

The Russian president then explained the progress made in the creation of new weapons, including "hypersonic" missiles, comprehensively presented last year in the same speech.

USA "Putin" Threatens Putin

The United States on Wednesday canceled its "propaganda" on the threat of Russian President Vladimir Putin, that Russia will direct its nuclear weapons against North American territory, as during the Cold War, if Washington deployed missiles to medium and short carried in Europe.

"President Putin's statements are part of an extension of the Russian propaganda effort to avoid baduming responsibility for Russia's INF treaty violations," a spokeswoman said. from the state department to the EFE news agency, which requested anonymity.

The White House has suspended this month its participation in the INF Treaty with Russia aimed at eliminating all conventional and short-range nuclear and conventional missiles of the two powers. In the month of August, she will officially withdraw from it unless the Russian government corrects the violations that the United States accuses it of committing.

In his annual State of the Nation Address, Putin warned the United States on Wednesday not to deploy missiles on the European continent, as otherwise "symmetrical and asymmetrical" measures would be needed. .

"Russia will be forced to manufacture and deploy types of weapons that can be used not only against the territories from which the direct threat originates, but also against the territories where the decision centers are located." warned the Russian president.

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When asked about this, the State Department spokeswoman pointed out that it was Russia that had a "hidden missile program" that violated the INF treaty, and had tried to ring the doorbell. alarm about US nuclear projects.

"Unlike Russia, which is trying to create many weapons systems, including non-strategic nuclear weapons, the United States absolutely respects the provisions of the INF Treaty," he said.


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The source badured that the Aegis Ashore combat system deployed in Romania and under construction in Poland "fully complies" with the terms of this treaty, "and is not capable of launching offensive missiles, such as the Tomahawk" .

"In addition, we are not seeking a similar development (to Russia) of new and exotic nuclear weapons launch systems," the spokeswoman said.

USA Because of this alleged compliance with the INF Treaty, it will not be able to deploy missiles as soon as its withdrawal from the pact comes into effect in August, and that it is still "time" to decide whether to go ahead. he wants it or not, as a senior official who has expressed himself said. reporters this month.

The spokesman consulted by Efe did not rule out that new nuclear capabilities could be deployed in Europe in the future, stating that "the United States will work with its allies and partners to protect its security".


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