Queen Margaret II of Denmark arrives in the country and meets Macri


March 17, 2019
– 11:03

On Monday, he will hold a meeting with the president. Its agenda includes a crown to General San Martín. The central axis

The Queen Marguerite II of Denmark will meet on Monday the Argentine President Mauricio Macri at the beginning of a state visit to this country of South America.

The agenda will be presented in Buenos Aires by Queen Margarita and her son Federico, heir to the throne, until next Wednesday will begin Monday morning with the presentation of a floral offering to General José de San Martín, hero of Argentine independence. .

At noon, both will visit the Pink house, headquarters of the Argentine executive, for meeting with Macri.


Whoever falls, the official priority is the re-election of Macri

On Tuesday afternoon, the Queen will pay tribute to those arrested and disappeared by state terrorism during the last Argentinian military dictatorship (1976-1983) at Parque de la Memoria, then visit the Teatro Colón and attend the night. a gala dinner at a hotel in the district of the capital Recoleta.

Wednesday, on her last day in Argentina, Margarita II will travel to Tandil, one of the epicentres of the Danish colony of South America, in Buenos Aires, where he will meet with local authorities and the Danish community.


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